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Euston 1990

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Euston 1990 23/10/2022 at 12:28 #148439
1461 posts
Attached is a conversion of the 1990 timetable originally by Derbybest (RIP) for the loader sim.
As originally posted it did not resolve platform clashes, so I have left these as is. All I have changed is fixing the invalid trains.
It looks like a Saturday timetable, there is no rush hour, with clockface trains running loco hauled, not push pull.
A few runs from others would be good, then mods can consider replacing the existing download.



A Fictional tt set in 1990. Due to a strike by sleeper staff there are no sleeper trains in this tt. This should be run in 1990's mode.
There are platform conflicts in the timetable but i decided to leave them in to add interest.BEWARE Euston starts very quiet but IT WILL GET BUSY

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