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Call-on routes no longer working on New Street mid-platform signals

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Call-on routes no longer working on New Street mid-platform signals 19/11/2022 at 18:11 #148863
11 posts
An issue I found yesterday that was not there earlier in the week. I updated the Loader to v5.22 on, I think, Thursday so that could have triggered it ?

The call-on routes on most of the New Street mid platform signals no longer work. If I try to set up a call-on route the signal post flashes white once and nothing else happens. I was testing Officer Dibble’s 1992 TT and have tried going back to previous saves and the CO routes don’t work on those either, which they had done on the previous run through. I’ve also tried saves from previous TT’s with the same result.

There are no error messages in the Message Window when I try to set one of these routes.

CO routes from the station approaches into the platforms appear to be working okay.

I’ve also done some test TTs and get the same issue. One test was to seed a train in each half of all the platforms and see if any of the CO’s did work. The only ones that did still work are on platforms 5 and 10, but on those there is a separate track circuit between the mid platform signals. All the 'back to back' ones don’t work.

I searched the saves for a convienient one to use as an example and the attached is from the 10.00 save from my previous run through earlier in the week, when all worked fine. I ran it on from 10.00 and the trains concerned are in platform 6.

1V40 has already arrived from the north end Up Stour and has cleared 6B and is hence only occupying 6A. I have shunted LD 0V40 from No 1Sdg via the Down Stour to 6b and at this point it is stationary in 6a. If I try and set the CO route from NS195 it fails as described above. For further examples, just to test, trying to set in the opposite direction from NS194 and also both directions on the occupied platform 4 don’t work either. I can send the 10.00 save if you want that so you can run it through.

You can also just start a new session with the Summer 1992 TT as there is a join in Platform 7 a couple of minutes in between 2N99 and 5N94.

I have been playing New Street since it was first released and have not had this before. However I’m surprised no one else has noticed it so maybe it is my laptop, but everything else on the Sim seems to be okay.

OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.22; Sim: Simulation Birmingham New Street; data version 5.5
License: Locked license in use
TT: Birmingham New Street Summer Saturday 1992 v0.0.42
TT filename: Birmingham New Street Summer Saturday 1992.WTT


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The following user said thank you: Banners88
Call-on routes no longer working on New Street mid-platform signals 19/11/2022 at 18:56 #148864
143 posts
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Call-on routes no longer working on New Street mid-platform signals 19/11/2022 at 19:20 #148865
4870 posts
We are making some investigatory noises regarding this.


Mantis 37053

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 20/11/2022 at 13:06 by headshot119
Reason: Added Mantis Number

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Call-on routes no longer working on New Street mid-platform signals 20/11/2022 at 17:23 #148884
11 posts
Many thanks for raising on Mantis.

I was looking for a workaround until issue fixed using the Save I posted as an example and have found one, at least for the join shown. Presume it will work for others.

The second train arriving shows its Status as 'Waiting for joining train....' once it has stopped at the mid-platform signal. It won't ring in and you can't ask it to pass at danger as it doesn't think it is at a danger signal. If you Edit the timetable using the F2 Train List and amend the 'Set current/next location' to be the previous location to that showing the Status will change to 'Stopped at ..... ' and it will immediately TRTS. Wait a few seconds until the Status changes to 'Waiting for right-away....' and then you will be able to authorise it to pass at danger, which it will do. It's location will change back to the correct one and the join will occur.

Only problem I found with this example was that when joined the completed train didn't TRTS or ring in, it just said it was waiting for the platform end signal to clear, so I did that and away it went. Therefore you would have to keep an eye on a train that you have done this for in case the same happens.

Hope this is useful.

Last edited: 20/11/2022 at 17:24 by pjm38uk
Reason: None given

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