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Error in state DLY Access Violation

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Error in state DLY Access Violation 24/12/2022 at 14:18 #149554
17 posts
Hi guys,

Recently purchased the Manc Picc sim and enjoying my 1st TT (albeit probably realising this one isn't so easy as a single player haha). Anyway, I've opened my save today and within 90 seconds I got an Internal Error message as shown in the 1st attachment which lead to a train (delayed at Deansgate) changing it's status to "Error (1) - Error in state DLY" as shown in the 2nd attachment.

I was able to close the sim down and restart my save but the same issue occurred when I restarted.

I believe the following info helps as well:

OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.24; Sim: Simulation Manchester Piccadilly; data version 2.8
License: Dynamic license in use
TT: Manchester Piccadilly 2019-01-09 SX v1.0.0
TT filename: Manchester Piccadilly 2019-01-09 SX.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: True
NNORMAL active at start
NNORMAL choice 1
N308 choice 2
NLONGSLOW choice 3
NERA2020 active at start
NSIMERA active at start
NSTDARS active at start

Is my save lost to the world of computerised failures now? :(

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Error in state DLY Access Violation 24/12/2022 at 15:23 #149557
4870 posts
If you just remove the train via F2 the save is likely recoverable.

As for the violation we'll look into it after the holidays.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: mattja19
Error in state DLY Access Violation 24/12/2022 at 15:30 #149558
587 posts
If I remember correctly, giving the train a "shunt forward" command in the F2 train list was also enough to get it running again when I encountered this error.
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The following user said thank you: mattja19
Error in state DLY Access Violation 24/12/2022 at 15:46 #149559
17 posts
Dionysusnu in post 149558 said:
If I remember correctly, giving the train a "shunt forward" command in the F2 train list was also enough to get it running again when I encountered this error.
This has certainly worked, thanks Dion

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Error in state DLY Access Violation 28/01/2023 at 09:42 #150291
163 posts
I have just had the same thing with a different train. It's train 2B88. Here are saves before and after.
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Error in state DLY Access Violation 29/01/2023 at 08:12 #150309
389 posts
Seems to be happening in a variety of sims lately.
User | Multiplayer Host | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 29/01/2023 at 08:12 by andyallen4014
Reason: Rectified a typing misdemeanor

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Error in state DLY Access Violation 28/02/2023 at 19:38 #150695
1 posts
I have also encountered the same error. As Dionysusnu suggested on a discord server, I am attaching some saves below. The one at 09:32 is my latest save, with the error already occurred. The one at 09:03 is the one that I saved the simulation while my train was delayed, then loading it again later with the error occurring.

The train in question is 1C09, stood at Newton Abbot platform 1 in both saves.

Based on the error message that pops up, similar to the one in the first post in this thread, that the program is trying to find something to do with the delay in memory, which has of course been cleaned because of the saving and loading, so no longer exists in memory (or is in a different location if it was re-added to memory again upon loading).

Hopefully this helps you solve the issue!

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Error in state DLY Access Violation 28/02/2023 at 22:05 #150698
6411 posts
mathstrains22 in post 150695 said:
I have also encountered the same error. As Dionysusnu suggested on a discord server, I am attaching some saves below. The one at 09:32 is my latest save, with the error already occurred. The one at 09:03 is the one that I saved the simulation while my train was delayed, then loading it again later with the error occurring.

The train in question is 1C09, stood at Newton Abbot platform 1 in both saves.

Based on the error message that pops up, similar to the one in the first post in this thread, that the program is trying to find something to do with the delay in memory, which has of course been cleaned because of the saving and loading, so no longer exists in memory (or is in a different location if it was re-added to memory again upon loading).

Hopefully this helps you solve the issue!
Mantis 38229, fixed and will be in the next update.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: Dionysusnu