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ML43 and ML17 points

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ML43 and ML17 points 04/03/2023 at 17:59 #150736
566 posts
Moreton-on-Lugg's ML43 Down Main Home Signal is able to clear with ML17 points reverse. I suspect this is not true to life as the GWR tended to enforce the application of what today would be GSR regulation 4.10 (Working signals at converging junctions) through the interlocking. This supposition is supported by the SRS's copy of a November 1942 locking table for Moreton-on-Lugg (https://www.s-r-s.org.uk/html/gwt/S2270-3.pdf) which shows 17 locks 43 normal. I would be very, very surprised if that has been changed.

It may well be worth reviewing the sim as a whole on this point, as I suspect there may be other locations. For example Tram Inn's TI22 can clear with TI13 points reverse, Pontrilas's P40 can clear with P13 points reverse, etc.

Last edited: 04/03/2023 at 18:00 by TUT
Reason: None given

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ML43 and ML17 points 04/03/2023 at 18:16 #150737
4871 posts
TUT in post 150736 said:
Moreton-on-Lugg's ML43 Down Main Home Signal is able to clear with ML17 points reverse. I suspect this is not true to life as the GWR tended to enforce the application of what today would be GSR regulation 4.10 (Working signals at converging junctions) through the interlocking. This supposition is supported by the SRS's copy of a November 1942 locking table for Moreton-on-Lugg (https://www.s-r-s.org.uk/html/gwt/S2270-3.pdf) which shows 17 locks 43 normal. I would be very, very surprised if that has been changed.

It may well be worth reviewing the sim as a whole on this point, as I suspect there may be other locations. For example Tram Inn's TI22 can clear with TI13 points reverse, Pontrilas's P40 can clear with P13 points reverse, etc.
Thanks I've logged Mantis 38233 which includes looking at the sim as a whole. Mechanical locking like this is probably one of the hardest bits of data to find, and obviously you can't determine it from the lever leads.

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ML43 and ML17 points 04/03/2023 at 18:51 #150738
566 posts
If it's any help, the SRS's Signal Box Diagrams, British Railways Western Region, Cambrian & Shrewsbury Districts collection (available from https://www.s-r-s.org.uk/Bookstall/index.php?route=product/product&path=59_111_75&product_id=62 for £24) has some very good information. Obviously much of the contents of that collection will vastly predate the era that the sim is set in, but as I'm sure your aware, mechanical locking tends to be left alone unless there's a clear reason for its removal. For example, after the accident that took place at Moreton-on-Lugg it was required to add controls to prevent the signaller from raising the barriers at a level crossing after the protecting signals had been cleared until a train had passed over the crossing or a timeout had expired, even if the protecting signal was replaced. This necessitated the fitment of track circuits over the crossings, which could be made to track lock the barriers, rendering the signal in advance 'route holding' the barrier interlocking lever quite unnecessary. But obviously the locking wasn't removed, because why would you bother?

I don't own that particular SRS collection, making it quite hard (by design) for me to read the diagrams, but by way of evidence for the locations I pointed out above:

It appears that at some point TI15 points at Tram Inn became TI13 points. In 1941, 15 locked 22 normal, so I suspected 13 would have locked 22 normal when the layout was altered. Annoyingly, it's since been altered again, actually quite catastrophically. There's very little left at Tram Inn (and now Moreton-on-Lugg as well), so sadly a visit to the actual box won't help anymore.

At Pontrilas there's been quite a lot of rationalisation, but I believe P40 signal is still P40 and P13 points are still P13 and 13 locked 40 normal in 1941 at least. Again I can't see that locking ever having been removed, why would they?

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