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Traverser 12/03/2023 at 21:31 #150799
Joe S
131 posts

Similar to [urlthis thread]https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/49907[/url], I'm having lots of problems getting the traverser to work correctly - likely to be user error, I'm sure.

Can anyone explain to me exactly what I'm doing wrong here?

Save game attached. If you clear the 'adverse change of aspect' telephone call to VT01, you'll get a call from PZ03 saying it's standing at Traverser (ground frame), too...

Thanks and kind regards,

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The following user said thank you: wesley2628
Traverser 13/03/2023 at 13:46 #150800
587 posts
PZ03 calls because it's waiting to be signalled onto the traverser. If you check its status, it'll be more specific and show it's waiting at signal 1102, to go from platform 5 onto the traverser.
In the groundframe, the last lever, the blue one, locks the traverser in place. When it's normal, (up on the graphic), the traverser is locked in position. The position is indicated by the grey/white indications at the top of the ground frame graphic.
Upon loading the save, these steps worked for me:
- Move lever 7 (blue one on the far right) to the up/normal position.
- Reverse lever 2, which controls the signal from platform 5 onto the traverser
- Give PZ03 a "shunt forward" command via the F2 train list. I'm not sure if the train was stuck waiting, or if I was just being impatient, but a shunt forward worked to make it move onto the traverser.
- To be safe, wait until PZ03 calls waiting at signal 1161, to ensure it's reached the traverser and is now stopped on it.
- Return lever 2
- Reverse lever 7 to unlock the traverser
- Click the "To road 7" button
- Wait until the traverser is done moving and the "Road 7" light illuminates
- Return lever 7 to lock the traverser on road 7
- Set the route from 1165 to 1121
- Interpose PZ03 at signal 1121
- Give PZ03 another shunt forward command so it starts moving to road 7

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The following user said thank you: wesley2628