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"TCF" at W Yrks fringe 11/04/2023 at 22:22 #151159 | |
287 posts |
Running a session with York N/S chained to W Yrks (& also Donny Nth and Lds Ardsely) - Lds E/W was not involved. A "TCF" appears to have occurred in T/C T592 causing trains not to transfer between W Yrks and York N/S - trains drop off W Yrks having previously transferred without incident. York N/S and W Yrks saves attached. Post has attachments. Log in to view them. In Zone 6, no one can hear you scream... Last edited: 12/04/2023 at 09:25 by Soton_Speed Reason: Added file Log in to reply |
"TCF" at W Yrks fringe 12/04/2023 at 00:01 #151160 | |
1049 posts |
If two sims were involved, it would be ideal to have saves from both sims whilst the failure is in process.
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"TCF" at W Yrks fringe 12/04/2023 at 01:53 #151161 | |
6390 posts |
TCFs don't affect transfer of trains. What did the F2 Windows say on the respective sims?
SimSig Boss Log in to reply |
"TCF" at W Yrks fringe 12/04/2023 at 09:31 #151164 | |
287 posts |
GeoffM in post 151161 said:TCFs don't affect transfer of trains. What did the F2 Windows say on the respective sims?2Y80 stopped at CF717 on W Yrks. Waited for the call - which didn't come (understandably) and so told it to SPAD. 2Y80 never appeared on York N/S. N.B. Have added W Yrks save. A few moments later... Having done some more digging it appears 6N10 has got stuck on W Yrks trying to transfer to York N/S. Removing that on W Yrks removes the 'blockage'! Confused as 6N10 appeared OK on York N/S. In Zone 6, no one can hear you scream... Last edited: 12/04/2023 at 10:11 by Soton_Speed Reason: More info Log in to reply |