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Call On Routes

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Call On Routes 07/07/2023 at 09:18 #152302
1221 posts
As the other thread is locked due to age here: http://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/54688

Sadly there still trouble in the Piccadilly throat. I have Platform 10 Occupied with a 150 [41m] and I have a 397 [118m] that call on to sit on top of the 150 before leaving to Longsight.
No signals will show the PL from US/DS, UF/DF or UE/DE into occupied platforms. I have to tell the train to PSAD and then cancel it's route behind it once it's arrived. Doesn't affect join/uncoupling within the platforms. Saves provided.

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Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 07/07/2023 at 09:35 by HST125Scorton
Reason: Added Saves

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Call On Routes 07/07/2023 at 14:02 #152303
4870 posts
MP347, MP345, MP343 will allow you to do the move, the interlocking won't allow it from MP349 as it thinks the 397 is too long for the available space. There's no routes from the Down East or Up East into platform 10 without moving to the Fast or Slow lines first.

You could also go via the Engine Sidings if you were feeling spicy.

99.9% of the time TPE ECS moves from Manchester Airport - Longsight don't ever come to Piccadilly anyway, they change ends behind MP94.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: HST125Scorton
Call On Routes 07/07/2023 at 14:52 #152304
729 posts
While you're here Karl... are MP312 and 314's subsidiary routes (to Ashbury's Arrival/Departure and Ardwick TMD respectively) really only capable of setting a route with the overlap dropped out as per the sim? Only in both cases the route clears before my train comes to a stand in reality, and I can pinpoint exactly where as well which would indicate the route is set before I'm reaching the signal (albeit quite close and at a low speed).

Also, in really niche questions - do you have any idea why Ashburys Arr/Dep in both directions is controlled by subsidiary aspects when in both cases the move is from a main aspect to a main aspect?

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
Last edited: 07/07/2023 at 14:53 by Splodge
Reason: None given

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Call On Routes 07/07/2023 at 15:11 #152305
4870 posts
Splodge in post 152304 said:
While you're here Karl... are MP312 and 314's subsidiary routes (to Ashbury's Arrival/Departure and Ardwick TMD respectively) really only capable of setting a route with the overlap dropped out as per the sim? Only in both cases the route clears before my train comes to a stand in reality, and I can pinpoint exactly where as well which would indicate the route is set before I'm reaching the signal (albeit quite close and at a low speed).
You can set MP312 onto the A/D before the overlap has dropped, as long as you do it before you get trapped by the time of operation locking.

MP314 & MP316 you can set onto Ardwick before the overlap has dropped, as long as you do it before you get trapped by the time of operation locking. MP316 can be a bit fraught with danger during the day time if Ardwick don't slot up, or they try and tip a train off before taking the inbound on.

Mantis 38975 to have a look at the simulation at some point.

Splodge in post 152304 said:
Also, in really niche questions - do you have any idea why Ashburys Arr/Dep in both directions is controlled by subsidiary aspects when in both cases the move is from a main aspect to a main aspect?
I was discussing this with someone recently, but we didn't reach any logical conclusions. I've always found it odd the signals at either end are fixed reds with a sub underneath, rather than just being a sub at either end.

Now the long standing fault on AS895 / AS894 has been fixed, you don't tend to get as much over the A/D towards Piccadilly as you did before in any case.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: Splodge
Call On Routes 07/07/2023 at 15:20 #152306
729 posts
headshot119 in post 152305 said:
Now the long standing fault on AS895 / AS894 has been fixed, you don't tend to get as much over the A/D towards Piccadilly as you did before in any case.
I seem to go over the Ordsall Chord most of the time in the morning and via Ashburys at night. Including one fun morning with a six car diesel running via the Chord all the way to Stockport to reverse and head into Piccadilly, presumably loop occupancy and being too long for Mayfield (think it's a regular 5D40 variation due to a T3 around Phillips Park as it seems to have run this morning too). Except the morning I did it, rosters hadn't amended the duty start time to take all this into account so I was 30 late off the depot and got to Stockport just as the shunts off the sidings were occupying all the platforms.

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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