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Descriptions at Ordsall while chained

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Descriptions at Ordsall while chained 18/07/2023 at 16:09 #152405
617 posts
I'm playing Man Picc, North, East and Stockport, all chained.

I just had 2F21 leave platform 3 on Man North heading towards Ordsall Lane on the Chat Moss lines but on Man Picc, the description appears towards Salford Crescent on the Salford Lines.

The description arrives in the correct place but the approaching berth is incorrect.

I'm having the same issue with 6J39.

1st Save is Man Picc
2nd Save is Man North

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Descriptions at Ordsall while chained 18/07/2023 at 17:02 #152406
6411 posts
I can't reproduce this. Given how frequently trains go over this boundary, and how often it comes up in multiplayer, I'd be surprised if nobody reported this before.

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Descriptions at Ordsall while chained 20/07/2023 at 13:26 #152414
617 posts
I’ve only just noticed Geoff.

Those were the 1st two trains over that section of line.

I’ll try my disconnect then reconnect and see if it fixes it.

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