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ARS - Ordsall Lane Jn

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ARS - Ordsall Lane Jn 11/08/2023 at 10:29 #152748
1221 posts
I plus others are having some issue at Ordsall Lane Jn with ARS. If a train enters from the Eccles direction that has a Engineers/Path allowance it means trains will be at Orsdall Lane Jn earlier than booked. Sadly ARS seems to allow trains from Eccles to go first towards Oxford Road/Piccadilly which then makes trains behind from the Salford direction become delayed. Example I have a 2O** Southport-Man Oxford Rd service that has a 7min allowance from Eccles to Ordsall. Meaning 2O** will have to wait its turn in line to allow 1Y88 train go in front from the Salford direction. Sadly it sets the route for 2O** train and delays the 1Y** train behind. I have Ordsall Lane Jn as Route/Line CL - BL.
Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 11/08/2023 at 10:35 by HST125Scorton
Reason: None given

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ARS - Ordsall Lane Jn 11/08/2023 at 16:29 #152760
6411 posts
All together now for the refrain! ARS is an aide, not a replacement signaller.
SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: HST125Scorton
ARS - Ordsall Lane Jn 11/08/2023 at 16:43 #152761
617 posts
HST125Scorton in post 152748 said:
I plus others are having some issue at Ordsall Lane Jn with ARS. If a train enters from the Eccles direction that has a Engineers/Path allowance it means trains will be at Orsdall Lane Jn earlier than booked. Sadly ARS seems to allow trains from Eccles to go first towards Oxford Road/Piccadilly which then makes trains behind from the Salford direction become delayed. Example I have a 2O** Southport-Man Oxford Rd service that has a 7min allowance from Eccles to Ordsall. Meaning 2O** will have to wait its turn in line to allow 1Y88 train go in front from the Salford direction. Sadly it sets the route for 2O** train and delays the 1Y** train behind. I have Ordsall Lane Jn as Route/Line CL - BL.
This happens in real life. This is mitigated by building stops into junctions so ARS will hold a train to time. This happens regularly at Upminster & Liverpool Street IECC's. Man Picc doesn't have ARS in real life so doesn't have these mitigations in place

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ARS - Ordsall Lane Jn 11/08/2023 at 16:44 #152762
617 posts
GeoffM in post 152760 said:
All together now for the refrain! ARS is an aide, not a replacement signaller.
I wish Upminster Central understood that. LOL

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ARS - Ordsall Lane Jn 12/08/2023 at 07:56 #152769
729 posts
Guts in post 152761 said:
HST125Scorton in post 152748 said:
I plus others are having some issue at Ordsall Lane Jn with ARS. If a train enters from the Eccles direction that has a Engineers/Path allowance it means trains will be at Orsdall Lane Jn earlier than booked. Sadly ARS seems to allow trains from Eccles to go first towards Oxford Road/Piccadilly which then makes trains behind from the Salford direction become delayed. Example I have a 2O** Southport-Man Oxford Rd service that has a 7min allowance from Eccles to Ordsall. Meaning 2O** will have to wait its turn in line to allow 1Y88 train go in front from the Salford direction. Sadly it sets the route for 2O** train and delays the 1Y** train behind. I have Ordsall Lane Jn as Route/Line CL - BL.
This happens in real life. This is mitigated by building stops into junctions so ARS will hold a train to time. This happens regularly at Upminster & Liverpool Street IECC's. Man Picc doesn't have ARS in real life so doesn't have these mitigations in place
Ordsall Lane does as it's controlled by Manchester Central panel at the ROC. One of my WTTs with Southport-Alderley Edge services does feature booked waits at Water St Junction for this reason.

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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