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Incorrect Speeds 2018-2020

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Incorrect Speeds 2018-2020 16/08/2023 at 12:10 #152850
1221 posts
Down Slow from Ardwick Jn to Manchester Piccadilly 14 seems to see a speed drop from 20mph to 15mph to 20mph. I suspect the following TCs to been affected TNM, TNN, TNP & TNQ from recent plays.

The line speeds between Salford Crescent to Bolton and both directions are also not correct. All trains seem to do 75mph but in reality some sections of lines are 100mph for the higher speed trains. Having checked the Sectional Appendix Section NW6001 Seq 005 to 010 it seems the speeds are incorrect throughout on the sim.

I can't see anything relating to this issue on Mantis yet., I also forward a link to latest post on my Timetable Testing Assistance thread 152848


Aaron (AJRO) | Timetable Writer
Last edited: 16/08/2023 at 12:11 by HST125Scorton
Reason: None given

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Incorrect Speeds 2018-2020 16/08/2023 at 13:09 #152851
729 posts
I've also noticed in the same era that trains entering at Longsight are travelling at 15mph, both north and south end and also when entering the depot. It's a blanket 5mph throughout.

The same also occurs with trains entering at Ardwick TMD and the Longsight wheel lathe, also both blanket 5mph.

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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Incorrect Speeds 2018-2020 16/08/2023 at 14:01 #152852
1078 posts
Splodge in post 152851 said:
I've also noticed in the same era that trains entering at Longsight are travelling at 15mph, both north and south end and also when entering the depot. It's a blanket 5mph throughout.

The same also occurs with trains entering at Ardwick TMD and the Longsight wheel lathe, also both blanket 5mph.
SA states 15 for the REC SDG and 15 throught the ARR/DEP with 20 going in/coming out.
Longsight being the same and showing as 15 going in and out at each end.

We can only go with waht evidence/data we have available to verify.

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Incorrect Speeds 2018-2020 16/08/2023 at 14:54 #152855
729 posts
Fair, but I can't think of any depot that isn't a blanket 5 tbh. Most also start the 5 almost immediately after the junction, which the SA isn't interested in. Be a brave driver doing 15 on Longsight with the state of some of the track on there.

(The Arr/Dep pictured isn't a part of the depot complex, it's a through line to Ashburys)

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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