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Salisbury, pre ASC mode

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Salisbury, pre ASC mode 26/10/2023 at 13:23 #153802
24 posts
I don't know whether to put this in the Salisbury sim board, or the sim wish list but I felt this was probably better.

I would love to see a semi-fictional Salisbury 1950s/ 60s mode that is still displayed in the style of a modern IECC, but still has the infrastructure of the time.

Ideally this would reach from the Salisbury West box, to the Salisbury Tunnel Junction box as with all the yards this would probably be enough to keep a single player entertained.

It might be interesting to include the siding that can be seen on the 1910 SBD, although isn't present in the 1949 one. This now forms the Laverstock N&S Loop.

I have found some mostly matching SBDs on the Romsey Signal Box website:

If this would be an unreasonable amount of work I understand as a fellow programmer; however if this does go ahead I would be more than happy to help in any capacity I can.

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- Jake
Last edited: 26/10/2023 at 14:31 by DaChezePufz
Reason: None given

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