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Undescribed train at 200/202

You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Released > London Bridge Mini-Sim > Undescribed train at 200/202

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Undescribed train at 200/202 21/11/2023 at 15:40 #154335
110 posts
An 'undescribed train at 200/202' pop up message appears irregularly, which are signals outside of the game. There are no trains that enter the game with missing descriptions despite the message. I had a saved game and reloaded it to see if it occurred with the same train. It didn't, but it did occur at a different time; so supplying the saved game may not yield the answer. However, I have attached it anyway.
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Undescribed train at 200/202 21/11/2023 at 19:53 #154353
6411 posts
wellgroomed in post 154335 said:
An 'undescribed train at 200/202' pop up message appears irregularly, which are signals outside of the game. There are no trains that enter the game with missing descriptions despite the message. I had a saved game and reloaded it to see if it occurred with the same train. It didn't, but it did occur at a different time; so supplying the saved game may not yield the answer. However, I have attached it anyway.
Mantis 39782

SimSig Boss
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