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Basingstoke SX 2019-01-09

You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Timetables > Basingstoke Main > Basingstoke SX 2019-01-09

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Basingstoke SX 2019-01-09 10/02/2024 at 22:12 #155275
6406 posts
This thread is for discussion of the SX 2019-01-09 timetable for Basingstoke Main.
SimSig Boss
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Basingstoke SX 2019-01-09 26/11/2024 at 20:02 #159278
22 posts
Good evening,

while running a session with this TT, I've found one little bug:

at 14:15, both instances of 1T46 (W91018S and W91018) were running. When checking the rules, I noticed rule '1T46/W91018S must not run if train 1T46/W91018 runs' exists, but the opposite rule '1T46/W91018 must not run if train 1T46/W91018S runs' is missing, and W91018S came first due to W91018's random delay.


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The following user said thank you: GeoffM
Basingstoke SX 2019-01-09 27/11/2024 at 20:33 #159286
6406 posts
Coco-Banana-Man in post 159278 said:
Good evening,

while running a session with this TT, I've found one little bug:

at 14:15, both instances of 1T46 (W91018S and W91018) were running. When checking the rules, I noticed rule '1T46/W91018S must not run if train 1T46/W91018 runs' exists, but the opposite rule '1T46/W91018 must not run if train 1T46/W91018S runs' is missing, and W91018S came first due to W91018's random delay.

Mantis 41653

At first glance I suspect W91018S is a 2pm seed train (or is supposed to be), and the rule is surplus to requirements.

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: Coco-Banana-Man