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Doncaster 2009 Ground Hog Day Issue

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Doncaster 2009 Ground Hog Day Issue 30/07/2024 at 14:28 #157978
1125 posts
One for the team but when I opened up Doncaster South and Station 2009 timetables for the Doncaster simulations, both are unplayable as every train in both timetable are set at 0% of the time to turn up instead of the usual 50% of the time.

No idea if any other simulation is affected though.

Did something happen to the master copy of those timetables?

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Doncaster 2009 Ground Hog Day Issue 30/07/2024 at 15:19 #157980
1125 posts
eps125 in post 157979 said:
ajax103 in post 157978 said:
One for the team but when I opened up Doncaster South and Station 2009 timetables for the Doncaster simulations, both are unplayable as every train in both timetable are set at 0% of the time to turn up instead of the usual 50% of the time.

No idea if any other simulation is affected though.

Did something happen to the master copy of those timetables?
But is the run as required check box selected? Because as far as I can see on my copy it is not.

Have you actually tried playing them?
Yes I've tried playing them but the point still stands, the standard timetable from SimSig always and this has been the case for years has left that figure at 50% and unticked however those timetables for Doncaster that open up for me are all set at 0% instead unticked.

Surely if the figure is set at 0% than trains wouldn't be entering but for some reason, they still enter which I think is a rogue action on behalf of either the loader or the timetable itself.

Every other default timetable that has been released with the countless simulations all have this figure set at 50% as the default hence asking why the change?

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Doncaster 2009 Ground Hog Day Issue 30/07/2024 at 15:23 #157981
172 posts
ajax103 in post 157980 said:
eps125 in post 157979 said:
ajax103 in post 157978 said:
One for the team but when I opened up Doncaster South and Station 2009 timetables for the Doncaster simulations, both are unplayable as every train in both timetable are set at 0% of the time to turn up instead of the usual 50% of the time.

No idea if any other simulation is affected though.

Did something happen to the master copy of those timetables?
But is the run as required check box selected? Because as far as I can see on my copy it is not.

Have you actually tried playing them?
Yes I've tried playing them but the point still stands, the standard timetable from SimSig always and this has been the case for years has left that figure at 50% and unticked however those timetables for Doncaster that open up for me are all set at 0% instead unticked.

Surely if the figure is set at 0% than trains wouldn't be entering but for some reason, they still enter which I think is a rogue action on behalf of either the loader or the timetable itself.

Every other default timetable that has been released with the countless simulations all have this figure set at 50% as the default hence asking why the change?
The value only applies when the tick box is selected. This is intended behaviour.

Newer timetables make better use of decisions such that we no longer control how frequently a train will run using the "Run as Required". We use decisions instead as these propagate across chains.

Last edited: 30/07/2024 at 15:28 by eps125
Reason: None given

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