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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so.

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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so. 02/08/2024 at 16:25 #158007
1832 posts
I'm playing the 1981 timetable and have had several trains which are to be routed from signal D1490 to line 2WG Goods line.
You can't do this with the 1981 layout.
Not a problem as you just send them to the Down Goods.

Don't see the point providing a saved game as I doubt that anything can be done about it now.
Could be wrong though.

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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so. 02/08/2024 at 16:52 #158009
96 posts
You have already signalled it onto the 2 Way Goods No2

Delta Zero Seven.

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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so. 02/08/2024 at 23:40 #158014
3726 posts
For the most part, 2WG and DG are interchangeable and 2WG is frequently used to refer to both. strictly speaking you're right, but as the train doesn't stop and can't be given any other route I probably won't change this one.
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so. 03/08/2024 at 00:22 #158015
6406 posts
The sim is coded to treat them both as the same "platform" (DG and 2WG) so there are no penalties.
SimSig Boss
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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so. 03/08/2024 at 08:56 #158017
1832 posts
0D07 in post 158009 said:
You have already signalled it onto the 2 Way Goods No2

Delta Zero Seven.
I think that you need to reread my post. That's not the line in the timetable.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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2WG from signal D1490 - I don't think so. 03/08/2024 at 08:57 #158018
1832 posts
GeoffM in post 158015 said:
The sim is coded to treat them both as the same "platform" (DG and 2WG) so there are no penalties.
Thanks for that info Geoff. I wasn't aware of that.

I presume that this applies to all eras?

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 03/08/2024 at 08:58 by bugsy
Reason: None given

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