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Trains arriving from Brighton fast and slow too early and without delays - Jan 2020 TT

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Trains arriving from Brighton fast and slow too early and without delays - Jan 2020 TT 07/08/2024 at 15:15 #158074
17 posts
Dear all,

I am currently using the Jan 2020 timetable for Victoria Central and choose a high percentage of delayed trains and with a significant amount of delays as per menu options.
However, none of the trains coming from Brighton seem to be delayed and the trains arriving at Victoria Central arrive sometimes 5 min ahead of time. With or without ARS options does not seem to make a difference.
Trains from different directions are delayed as anticipated.
Do I have to adjust the timetable manually to get more realistic trains from Brighton or do I operate the simulation in a wrong manner?
Thanks for advice,

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Trains arriving from Brighton fast and slow too early and without delays - Jan 2020 TT 07/08/2024 at 19:04 #158075
1461 posts
Confirm your observation.
I do not think you are doing anything wrong.

Peckham Rye has late entries.
Selhurst does not, even with the sliders at maximum right
(tested class 1 and class 2 trains on fast lines).

Do note that mainly the 'delays' function is applied to stops. There is no separate 'delay entry' function, overall or per train.

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Trains arriving from Brighton fast and slow too early and without delays - Jan 2020 TT 07/08/2024 at 23:33 #158076
1050 posts
Ignacio in post 158074 said:
Dear all,

I am currently using the Jan 2020 timetable for Victoria Central and choose a high percentage of delayed trains and with a significant amount of delays as per menu options.
However, none of the trains coming from Brighton seem to be delayed and the trains arriving at Victoria Central arrive sometimes 5 min ahead of time. With or without ARS options does not seem to make a difference.
Trains from different directions are delayed as anticipated.
Do I have to adjust the timetable manually to get more realistic trains from Brighton or do I operate the simulation in a wrong manner?
Thanks for advice,

Could you please provide a save of your current game.



How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Trains arriving from Brighton fast and slow too early and without delays - Jan 2020 TT 08/08/2024 at 16:53 #158082
17 posts
Hi Craig, here it is:

OS: Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.29; Sim: Simulation Victoria Central; data version 1.9
License: Dynamic license in use
TT: Victoria Central Jan-Mar 2020 v1.1.0
TT filename: Victoria Central Jan-Mar 2020.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: True
NNORMAL active at start
NNORMAL choice 1
NHARD choice 2
NTULSE choice 3
NBALHAM choice 4
NERA2014 active at start
NARS active at start
NARSON active at start
NLX1990_OFF active at start
NLX active at start
NLXON active at start

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Trains arriving from Brighton fast and slow too early and without delays - Jan 2020 TT 10/08/2024 at 13:11 #158117
17 posts

in addition to the above technical information of my simulation, I have attached a saved simulation for further analysis :-).

Thanks so much!


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