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D828 Signal shown as a Automatic

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D828 Signal shown as a Automatic 21/09/2024 at 11:36 #158601
97 posts
Hi All,

Just playing the released Doncaster North 1981 Timetable and I noticed something odd regarding D828 signal. That Protects Daw Lane CCTV Crossing is shown plated on the sim as an automatic signal should it not be a controlled signal as it protects a CCTV Crossing if it was a AHB granted it could be an auto but not for a CCTV.

Delta Zero Seven

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D828 Signal shown as a Automatic 21/09/2024 at 17:22 #158607
6411 posts
You're right. I guess it slipped through as the main panel doesn't set routes: it's controlled by the crossing keeper. Mantis 41391 for the cosmetic change.
SimSig Boss
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