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Off route train not showing in lineup

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Off route train not showing in lineup 03/10/2024 at 15:18 #158729
11 posts
Is it the case that off-route trains do not show up on lineups? The next location shown for 1U25, 1H11, 1F12 and 9G07 is Hillmorton Jn so surely they should still show up on the Rugby lineup (and any lineups beyond Hillmorton Jn on their planned routes)? After all, they haven't passed those locations yet. The timetable popup still expects them to pass those locations, so why doesn't the lineup?

In real life, off route trains only are removed from the lineup when they are reported back on-route at a point beyond the lineup location. Not sure if it this a bug or intended design.

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Off route train not showing in lineup 05/10/2024 at 12:32 #158746
922 posts
I've run into similar issues (trains disappearing from the simplifier for all locations as soon as they enter the sim, as opposed to only after passing the respective location) even without trains being off-route. Mantis 26356 applies.

(Edit: To some extent it seems the issue is also triggered by reloading a save file, so you're more/only? likely to run into it when you interrupt a simulation and later reload it from a save.)

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Last edited: 05/10/2024 at 13:46 by Jan
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