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Issues validating a schedule

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Issues validating a schedule 13/11/2024 at 20:39 #159165
officer dibble
411 posts
Good evening,

I have searched but couldn't see anything mentioned elsewhere.

How do you validate a schedule of a train going on to the Down Goods at Trent Valley Junction?
(as per https://charlwoodhouse.co.uk/rail/livetrain/H00256/11/11/24 )

The sim offers TV Jn to South Junction SL-DGL > DGL, then DGL > GDS but it simply wont have it.


EDIT: Rather than selecting the options offered by the sim, I manually intervened on the line codes & that seems to have sorted it!

When in doubt - Contingency plan 2A. Someone didn't buy the milk - 2A. Someone sneezed at Swansea - 2A. A driver complains the cab is too cold - 2A. Unable to operate a HEx service 4 vice 8 - 2A. Points failure at Ipswich - 2A. Landslip at Pitlochry - 2A
Last edited: 13/11/2024 at 20:43 by officer dibble
Reason: None given

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