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Signals outside the panel

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Signals outside the panel Today at 18:30 #160458
2 posts
Hello everyone, I am having a particular issue when playing on the North East Wales sim.
Sometimes, when there is a train approaching from Saltney Junction, it doesn't enter my control area, but instead it stops at a signal that I can not find on the map. (Specifically CR497.) This leads me to two questions:

To investigate, I decided to let the train pass the signal at danger and apparently it got stuck at a set of points that was set the wrong way. All of this makes me believe that there is some hidden infrastructure outside what the player can normally see, so this leads me to two questions.

- I am very new to SimSig, so I am very interested to get to know a bit better how it all works, so are these extra signals used to create some advance warning that a train is coming?
- Is there anything I can do to make the trains that get stuck at this signal/junction continue their journey?

Thank you in advance.

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Signals outside the panel Today at 18:53 #160461
1216 posts
Do you have a save game from the time of the issue?

Note that if Chester has granted the CR485 slot (shown by the roundel illuminated near Wrexham P2), points will be reversed and so the inbound route cannot clear. Release the unused slot in that case and the Chester signaller should be able to clear their route.


Jamie S (JAMS)
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Signals outside the panel Today at 19:05 #160463
2 posts
Hi Jamie,

Thank you for your quick reply.
I have attached the save file.

Currently, there are no trains going towards the junction, so I find that a bit strange.

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