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Saved game selection window like the user content window

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Saved game selection window like the user content window Today at 10:05 #160432
273 posts
I only recently found the User Content window in the loader. It's great, user-friendly and efficient.

Would it be possible to have a similar thing for local game saves too? It would be far better than browsing through some rather non-intuitive (and inconsistent) folder names for the right sim you want to play.

(Formerly known as manadude2)
Last edited: Today at 10:05 by MrSuttonmann
Reason: None given

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Saved game selection window like the user content window Today at 13:10 #160433
638 posts
Having just read what you put at the end there, on a related note whenever I choose "Save As..." in a sim, the folder that is presented to me as the save location is always Users -> Public -> Public Documents -> SimSig -> Simulations -> The Folder Of The Sim I'm Playing.

That's not where I save my saved games (they're all in one folder elsewhere in my computer). Is there any way the game can be changed so that it remembers where you actually save your games, so you don't have to choose it every time you play?

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