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Manchester Piccadilly summer 1992 TT Test
We are now going to start a 2nd round of testing of this TT following some amendments that had to be carried out due to platforms being too short to accomodate certain Mail trains after 19.40 sim time. Those have now been fixed hence the start of a new game for this sim & TT. Some of you who have already joined over the previous week know how different this TT is compared to the modern era TTs. This new version of the TT also has some additional trip workings involved that the previous TT version didn't have. Teamspeak Open Hosting #2 will be in use for this game. Hope to see you there.
Start Date/Time
10/03/2025 17:30:00
Simulations in use
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Manchester Piccadilly
tjfrancis Today at 15:38
KymriskaDraken Today at 16:11 (Tentative)
AndyG Today at 16:22
rodney30 Today at 16:52 (Tentative)

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