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Why can you call Gillingham SB in this sim?

You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Released > Salisbury > Why can you call Gillingham SB in this sim?

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Why can you call Gillingham SB in this sim? 23/11/2024 at 09:02 #159246
8 posts
And why does it take a long time to answer? Ringing after 10 minutes. No answer.
Noch Noch
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Why can you call Gillingham SB in this sim? 23/11/2024 at 10:23 #159247
1081 posts

The phonecall serves no purpose, nor are there any plans for it to.
Why the original dev included it, is a question they can only answer, however, they are no longer a developer with Simsig.

As it is a very trivial thing without any effect on the simulation itself, it doesn't warrant a mantis ticket this time.


How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
Last edited: 23/11/2024 at 10:24 by Hap
Reason: None given

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