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Force 4M11 to enter from Washwood Heath RMC early.

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Force 4M11 to enter from Washwood Heath RMC early. 08/12/2024 at 16:47 #159364
1832 posts
I looked at 4M11 in F4 and found a rule stating that it must not enter until 240 minutes after another train had left the sim (Can't remember which train though).
Anyway, I deleted the rule in order to hopefully get 4M11 to enter at 11:17:00. It hasn't entered by 2 minutes after this time so I'm wondering if deleting the rule was a mistake and won't work, or will it still enter soon?

If what I did was a mistake, how would I get 4M11 to enter early.

EDIT: Ok. Please forget this because it has just entered. Yippeee, it worked 😀

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 08/12/2024 at 16:51 by bugsy
Reason: Added comment

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