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Loader Log File Warning

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Loader Log File Warning 11/12/2024 at 16:19 #159407
107 posts
Wasn't sure whether to post this in sim specific or General so mods please move as necessary.

Started a new game of NSW Moss Vale and every time I go to resume my saved game getting this error message:

Can click past with either option but bit annoying especially as the file itself is not at all large, only around 45kb.

Haven't encountered this running anything else recently such as Carlisle or North Wales Coast.

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Loader Log File Warning 11/12/2024 at 17:21 #159408
Stephen Fulcher
2107 posts
This happens from time to time with a lot of playing.

Unless you need the contents of the log file to report an issue you can safely retry and start a new one.

Last edited: 11/12/2024 at 17:21 by Stephen Fulcher
Reason: None given

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Loader Log File Warning 12/12/2024 at 21:02 #159434
2823 posts
I've just looked at the code and it only produces the message when the log file reaches 10 Mb (i.e. 10,000,000 octets).

If you're using WINE or some other odd system, it could be triggered at 78,125 octets. But not at 45 kB.

Next time the problem occurs, could you please do a DIR command on the folder containing the reported file and give the size in this thread.

If I can find time, I'll look into instrumenting this code.

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Loader Log File Warning 13/12/2024 at 12:29 #159447
107 posts
Will do Clive.
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