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lost all access to purchased sims after upgrade

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lost all access to purchased sims after upgrade 13/12/2024 at 10:28 #159445
284 posts
hi as the subject shows I cannot access any of my stuff.

Recently upgraded to now I can't play sims.

License Manager is showing no sims purchased and is in fact blank when I log into it.

Can anyone help please ? I've not purchased anything in a while so no change there.

Very much "was working before the upgrade". Same machine, no updates to Windows or anything. Yes I have rebooted and it persists. W10 is the OS.

Saved games launch OK but "you dont have a license" appears etc etc


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lost all access to purchased sims after upgrade 13/12/2024 at 13:11 #159449
1626 posts
I’m not quite sure how you’ve fallen so far behind, but license manager was made obsolete in the summer of 2020 with the transition to Loader version 5 - and we’re now on loader version 5.29 - if you’re on a version number in the 4s it may be worth downloading the system files again and then running check for updates from the front page of the loader. This won’t affect any of your save games or timetables installed.

Your licenses should now be shown here: https://www.SimSig.co.uk/License/MyLicenses - from my visibility as a developer you have purchased a number of sims, thank you.

License Manager is no longer required.

All versions of loader from 5 onwards will have a login screen on the front page, same details as you use to log in to the forum. As long as you are logged in there, and the green tick appears alongside the login boxes, you should be good to go. The loader does the assigning the license to your machine automatically if you’re logged in in, and de-allocates it when you finish playing ready to be used on another machine if you so wish.

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lost all access to purchased sims after upgrade 13/12/2024 at 14:08 #159451
284 posts
no idea how it got so out of date but yes , eps125 assisted with redownload of system files. sorted now thanks
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