Line Ups: use non-breaking space in Activities column?

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Line Ups: use non-breaking space in Activities column? 09/01/2025 at 22:04 #159872
174 posts
Can I make a small request? In the Activities column in Line Ups, could a non-breaking space be used between the activity code and the train headcode?

For instance, if the activities are "DEF: 5A99 N: 1A23", the html would be:
DEF: 5A99 N: 1A23

with a normal space between 5A99 and N:

The reason for this is, you can then style the lineup column to have one complete Activity per line, and if there's linebreaks needed, they will only fall between Activities and not within them. It wouldn't have any negative side-effects.

I'm using a fixed-width column currently and it doesn't work nicely because the activity can be as short as "N: 1A11" or as long as "DEF: 0A11-1MFX"

Edit: also on a related note - it's very nice that the headcodes in the WTT / Headcode column are hyperlinks to the popup timetable - but could the headcodes in the Next / Activities column also be made hyperlinks in the same way? It's not a big deal as I can just click the WTT column and the activities in the popup timetable are clickable, but it'd literally save me a click :D

Have I mentioned that I really like the Line Ups feature??

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(named for the one in Tasmania, not in Russia)
Last edited: 09/01/2025 at 23:07 by DonRiver
Reason: Some given

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Line Ups: use non-breaking space in Activities column? 10/01/2025 at 18:20 #159884
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