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Length of US1??

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Length of US1?? Yesterday at 21:48 #160124
1825 posts
In the 1981 timetable, I've sent a train which is 129m long to Up Siding No.1 as per its timetable (If I remember correctly).
It doesn't appear to fit. Have I made a mistake?

Does anybody know what the length of this siding is?

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Length of US1?? Yesterday at 22:00 #160125
1114 posts
US1 is 495M long.

In sim if you look for an orange box at the bottom f the sim that has LEN in it and click on it it will show the siding lengths

As for having you done something wrong without a save no one can say, but if that is where it stopped that chances are something else is in the siding

Last edited: Yesterday at 22:01 by MarkC
Reason: None given

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