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Length of US1??

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Length of US1?? 07/02/2025 at 21:48 #160124
1832 posts
In the 1981 timetable, I've sent a train which is 129m long to Up Siding No.1 as per its timetable (If I remember correctly).
It doesn't appear to fit. Have I made a mistake?

Does anybody know what the length of this siding is?

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Length of US1?? 07/02/2025 at 22:00 #160125
1115 posts
US1 is 495M long.

In sim if you look for an orange box at the bottom f the sim that has LEN in it and click on it it will show the siding lengths

As for having you done something wrong without a save no one can say, but if that is where it stopped that chances are something else is in the siding

Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse. Boldly going forward, still can't find reverse. Boldly going forward, and things are getting worse!.
Last edited: 07/02/2025 at 22:01 by MarkC
Reason: None given

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Length of US1?? 08/02/2025 at 12:07 #160128
1832 posts
MarkC in post 160125 said:
US1 is 495M long.

In sim if you look for an orange box at the bottom f the sim that has LEN in it and click on it it will show the siding lengths

As for having you done something wrong without a save no one can say, but if that is where it stopped that chances are something else is in the siding
I'm going to have to go back to my saved gams at sim time 000256.

I've clicked the three orange boxes and can now see the siding length.

With regard to something else being in that particular siding, if there was, I should have shown it on the scratch pad. Maybe I forgot. I'll see what's gone on with the re-run.
I always populate the sim area with sticky notes to show departure times and Head codes, doing this at the very beginning, hence the early save.

EDIT: Unfortunately, 9G07 was already in the siding in my ealier save so I've had to start afresh. 👿

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 08/02/2025 at 12:16 by bugsy
Reason: None given

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Length of US1?? 08/02/2025 at 12:52 #160129
1832 posts
Ok. I've restarted with a new game.

Typical 🙄 It ahs fitted the siding this time so I don't think that providing any saves will be beneficial.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Length of US1?? 08/02/2025 at 15:35 #160133
5329 posts
bugsy in post 160128 said:
MarkC in post 160125 said:
US1 is 495M long.

In sim if you look for an orange box at the bottom f the sim that has LEN in it and click on it it will show the siding lengths

As for having you done something wrong without a save no one can say, but if that is where it stopped that chances are something else is in the siding
I'm going to have to go back to my saved gams at sim time 000256.

I've clicked the three orange boxes and can now see the siding length.

With regard to something else being in that particular siding, if there was, I should have shown it on the scratch pad. Maybe I forgot. I'll see what's gone on with the re-run.
I always populate the sim area with sticky notes to show departure times and Head codes, doing this at the very beginning, hence the early save.

EDIT: Unfortunately, 9G07 was already in the siding in my ealier save so I've had to start afresh. 👿
Did you look at F2 to see what was showing the siding as a current location?

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Length of US1?? 08/02/2025 at 21:28 #160134
1832 posts
I started a new game. There was nothing in any of the Up Decoy Yard sidings according to the train list.
Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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