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Norwich 21/03/2025 at 18:31 #160636
23 posts
I'd love to see a Norfolk-based simulation, preferably one that includes Norwich station itself. Norfolk appears to have been "neglected" during all these years.
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Norwich 22/03/2025 at 15:32 #160648
1292 posts
Would be good I agree. A new look Cambridge sim would also be good and that could take account of the current signalling on the Ely - Norwich route which could well feature in both sims and therefore allow them to chain.


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Norwich 22/03/2025 at 18:08 #160650
1128 posts
Monostori in post 160636 said:
I'd love to see a Norfolk-based simulation, preferably one that includes Norwich station itself. Norfolk appears to have been "neglected" during all these years.
Personally while I like to see a Wherry Lines simulation or a Norwich simulation, I would much rather the powers to be give us the next 3? workstations that would extend onto the GEML from Liverpool Street in much the same way that West Anglia extends the WAML from Liverpool Street.

I don't know the workstations on the GEML but just hazarding a guess it's 3 as that's what the West ANglia simulation has.

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Norwich 22/03/2025 at 23:34 #160655
2821 posts
DaveHarries in post 160648 said:
Would be good I agree. A new look Cambridge sim would also be good and that could take account of the current signalling on the Ely - Norwich route which could well feature in both sims and therefore allow them to chain.

Cambridge is being rewritten at the moment but the boundaries are remaining the same, so only as far as Shippea Hill.

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The following users said thank you: DaveHarries, sunocske, AdamH208
Norwich 23/03/2025 at 09:09 #160658
41 posts
4 workstations on GEML-Stratford,Ilford,Shenfield and Witham workstations, 3 on the Colchester area(Colxhester,Ipswich and Norwich) and the branch lines,quite a large sim!
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Norwich 23/03/2025 at 10:03 #160661
1128 posts
traindriver17 in post 160658 said:
4 workstations on GEML-Stratford,Ilford,Shenfield and Witham workstations, 3 on the Colchester area(Colxhester,Ipswich and Norwich) and the branch lines,quite a large sim!
Probably be two simulations than with GEML being split into two with Stratford to Witham being on one simulation and the Colchester to Norwich being on another unless it's done Three Bridges style :O

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