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1975 timetable q - where is camden yard CY36

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1975 timetable q - where is camden yard CY36 28/03/2025 at 12:25 #160725
284 posts
read the manual and had a long look at the cy shunting frame maps , but I have an LE trying to get out saying its at CY36 and wanting to go up the down slows

the only other 36 I can see is near the BORs and its not that ! anyone any ideas

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1975 timetable q - where is camden yard CY36 28/03/2025 at 13:24 #160727
191 posts
It is of screen from T277, you can see it in Camden Yard west end frame. To get the train out you need to trow lever 15 and 1 and set a route from 142 towards the downs slow
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1975 timetable q - where is camden yard CY36 28/03/2025 at 14:25 #160728
284 posts
thanks for that
I can see T277 all right in the left hand side of the west end frame diagram but how am I supposed to know CY36 is down there ? there's no label or anything

and as a silly question surely its just 15 pulled across and 142 to get it out, and 11 normal to get it out onto the DS unless i've missed something major

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1975 timetable q - where is camden yard CY36 28/03/2025 at 15:10 #160733
191 posts
Yes you are of course right, 1 is only needed to get in
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1975 timetable q - where is camden yard CY36 29/03/2025 at 08:36 #160746
2823 posts
CY36 is on track T277, visible on the Camden Yard frame diagram where it says "Entry". The signal isn't shown on the diagram because it isn't worked from the frame. Rather, the yard will clear it as soon as there's a train approaching and crossover 15 is reversed.

I've clarified this in the manual.

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