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Train delay penelties

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Train delay penelties 21/01/2010 at 12:48 #577
142 posts
Wednesdays being my late night (sys BU) I caught an interesting bit on late night TV about an incident at Birmingham NS.

A gent had fallen out with his girlfriend and decided to sit on the wall over one of NS tunnels and jump.
NR asked by Police to turn the OHL power off for the section, they then spent a considerable time talking the bloke down.

Net result was 30 trains delayed, diverted and included 3 cancelled, all of which NR had to pay compensation to the TOC's for.

Ending comment was, "That's 10p on your ticket for next year".

My thoughts, (not nice I know) but it would have been simpler, quicker and cheaper for someone to have given him a push.

Dave M.

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Train delay penelties 21/01/2010 at 12:48 #6032
142 posts
Wednesdays being my late night (sys BU) I caught an interesting bit on late night TV about an incident at Birmingham NS.

A gent had fallen out with his girlfriend and decided to sit on the wall over one of NS tunnels and jump.
NR asked by Police to turn the OHL power off for the section, they then spent a considerable time talking the bloke down.

Net result was 30 trains delayed, diverted and included 3 cancelled, all of which NR had to pay compensation to the TOC's for.

Ending comment was, "That's 10p on your ticket for next year".

My thoughts, (not nice I know) but it would have been simpler, quicker and cheaper for someone to have given him a push.

Dave M.

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Train delay penelties 21/01/2010 at 12:56 #6033
5239 posts

On a similar theme this week: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/columnists/sue-carroll/2010/01/19/might-as-well-jump-115875-21977589/


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Train delay penelties 21/01/2010 at 22:14 #6053
384 posts
And if someone had given him a push how many more delays would tha have caused plus possible trauma to staff and public !!!!
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Train delay penelties 22/01/2010 at 10:50 #6065
35 posts
The Network Rail delay charges would do Arthur Daley proud! Its a three card trick.I only recently found the details and ten out of ten for a superb money making scam! Our company gets hit in the region of £35 per minute of delay we allegedly cause.If we get delayed by NR or another company we get about £17 a minute.Not content with that the really clever bit is giving us timings the Star Ship Enterprise would struggle with so even when you reach your destination on time you will have been five or six minutes down at some Timing Point or other.Add to that "Temporary" Speed Restrictions that we sing "Happy Birthday"to,those boys have got it made.I wonder have those charges been made up by a solicitor?!!
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Train delay penelties 22/01/2010 at 10:52 #6066
1728 posts
Just underlines how utterly ridiculous the Performance Regime is.

Renationalise the lot of 'em I say. "Deeply inefficient" old BR used to give us just as much railway for a fraction of the money and with a fraction of the trouble. And we certainly didn't get nonsense like this.

(Proud old railway dinosaur)

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Train delay penelties 22/01/2010 at 20:24 #6087
3968 posts
Surley this unfortunate incident could not be classed as NR's fault? Or, for that matter, anybody's?

I agree that this 'compensation' scheme is a load of nonsense.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Train delay penelties 22/01/2010 at 22:32 #6088
6360 posts
In this case the TOC were unable to run trains because NR shut the line so the delay penalties get passed to NR. But since NR don't have anybody to pass the costs on to then NR suffer the costs. In an ideal world the costs would then be passed to the idiot that caused the situation in the first place. But he was probably unemployed and so the taxpayer would bear the costs anyway. Not to mention the costs for police and medical attendance. No win situation for anybody except the TOCs.
SimSig Boss
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