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Log In Boxes 30/01/2010 at 21:46 #627
5223 posts
Ken Otter (Tallington) has made the point elsewhere on the forum that he believes that a lot of the "guests" on-line are actually members of the Forum, but who have gone straight to the Forum page and thus jumped over the log-in boxes.

Would it be possible to put additional log-in boxes at the bottom of the left column of the forum?


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Log In Boxes 30/01/2010 at 21:46 #6338
5223 posts
Ken Otter (Tallington) has made the point elsewhere on the forum that he believes that a lot of the "guests" on-line are actually members of the Forum, but who have gone straight to the Forum page and thus jumped over the log-in boxes.

Would it be possible to put additional log-in boxes at the bottom of the left column of the forum?


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Log In Boxes 30/01/2010 at 22:04 #6343
Peter Bennet
5379 posts
Apart from the hosting page it's never been a requirement for anyone to 'sign-in' to read any topic on this or the previous board; so I'm not clear why this has become an issue. If there is a problem then we can consider making all topics 'private' so please let me know what it is.

Having said that it seems I'm 'permanently' signed-in.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Log In Boxes 30/01/2010 at 22:07 #6344
254 posts
Hi John,

having looked at the source code generation software earlier then there is a function that you can tick to select or deselect which screens you want the various sidebar options on.

The problem 'might' be that this template is hardwritten not to at the moment. :/

If Geoff can't reconfigure it dynamically, I will look again at the generated code and try to cut and paste the 'log-in' section into the two forum structure main pages as well as the Home page.

Unfortunately, as we all well know, time is short and work calls getting ready for the Meet! It'll be ready when its (SimSig) ready but I am sure it will appear just not sure how ::

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Log In Boxes 30/01/2010 at 22:17 #6345
254 posts

a couple of things....

you appear to be logged in twice at the moment because a) you probably didn't log out properly ie. you switched off
or b) went to a different site then came back and SimSig thought you had timed out and asked for a log in again.

Some users end up on the bottom line being logged in 3 or 4 times!

What JG and I are discussing is something subtley different...

The Notification of Hosting section and Users Profiles are only visible if you are logged in.

There are sometimes 100 or more guests watching which seems excessive.

I know that I used to bookmark one page in the old forum to save having to wade through 3 or 4 pages to get to the Forum - and am sure many old hands are still doing this - not realising the benefits of logging in. The visual effect is completely different as well with the items 'read' icons being completely different.

We will talk more...

Regards, Ken

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Log In Boxes 30/01/2010 at 22:58 #6346
Peter Bennet
5379 posts
Sorry that was two obervations in one post of mine.

I was trying to establish whether there was a actually a 'security' problem with people who were not 'logged on'. If not then I'd say that if people did not wish to log on to read the site then they don't have to.

The point about my being permanently signed-on is just an obervation that if you don't specifically log-off (which I've never done) then you never need worry about logging on as you're' always there.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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