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a passworded section for regular hosts

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a passworded section for regular hosts 25/02/2010 at 01:50 #774
141 posts
due to recent disruption with my own game tonight and 2 nights ago and many other hosts games is it possible to add a regualr hosts area that says problem players names and known i.p.s? i no they can be changed but to give a rough idea - hosts can say to other hosts problems and who they suspect to be a 'risky' client....

a trusted/regular host could be worked out by number of games hosted and other players who know them by connecting to their games

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a passworded section for regular hosts 25/02/2010 at 01:50 #6929
141 posts
due to recent disruption with my own game tonight and 2 nights ago and many other hosts games is it possible to add a regualr hosts area that says problem players names and known i.p.s? i no they can be changed but to give a rough idea - hosts can say to other hosts problems and who they suspect to be a 'risky' client....

a trusted/regular host could be worked out by number of games hosted and other players who know them by connecting to their games

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a passworded section for regular hosts 25/02/2010 at 14:34 #6942
167 posts

As I have said in my own disruption thread, I told Peter Bennet I would look into the possability of an IP blocking program which can be coded either into the the sims or the website its self, which I have done and am very close to revealing some options to Geoff, Peter and the Development team. Also from a lenghty email conversation GeoffM and I had which Peter Bennet was CC on, I can honestly say the guys dont want this happening the same way as we dont and they are also exploring ways to deal with this problem. This not an official statement and is only bearly giving basic knowledge that I have of the situation. For an official comment or more details on what is happening behind the scene's you would need to contact Geoff. But may I suggest that Geoff is viewing all post and knows what is going on and what the commuinty wish for, Therefore we may be better served by leaving the guys to it rather than them wasting time responding to silly posts or calls for offical outlines. That way we may see an end to this behaviour sooner rather than later.


Having an open forum to post IP's and names is a grey area, as you can not name and shame some you suspect of causing disruption. You need solid proof hence "Inocent untill proven Guilty". But if like the situation in my game where 'MO' admitted openly to causing the disruption, the IP of the disruptive player can be passed on to Geoff or Peter via a PM. But by all means if you do have a suspition of who is disrupting you can post there 4 character sim name on my 'Disruption' thread. This way a if a genuine player is accused of disruption they can be given a fair chance to defend themselves.

But it is great to see that so many people are willing to get involved and look for a solution to this minor problem.


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a passworded section for regular hosts 25/02/2010 at 18:38 #6949
36 posts
In december, I was hosting Trent,
i has disruption on oe ofthe panels as some1 was tampeingwith the notts.
The only way i could deal with it at the time was by kicking- all non-players.

But to kieran's point that it isnt fair onall the othger players. My myself have been on a few games where disruptinhas been caused.
This issue wont go away until we have a way with dealing it!

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