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Queries 27/03/2010 at 09:19 #995
6 posts
Hi guys,

I'm newish to Simsig and have a few queries. I'm playing CScot in solo mode with the supplied timetable.

I had a message saying there was a track circuit failure on the Alloa line but I don't have the SAK line. Does this refer to the Cambus line? I can't see any indications of a TC failure.

I have had a couple of module exception errors. Sorry should have written down the details. Hasn't affected the running as far as I can see. On both occasions I was attempting to join trains at Dunblane because of late running. My query is - is this (joining trains at Dunblane) actually allowed?

Third and final one. I had a signal lamp failure at CN356 which is the repeater for CN354. My query is what is the correct procedure for dealing with repeater signal lamp failures in real life? I didn't do anything and trains stopped at CN354 and reported stopped at an unlit signal.

Finally can I add my thanks to those of others for creating Simsig and the timetables. I really appreciate all your hard work. I particularly like the ABS and the ground frames on CScot.

If I have put this in the wrong place I apologise and please feel free to move.

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Queries 27/03/2010 at 09:19 #7868
6 posts
Hi guys,

I'm newish to Simsig and have a few queries. I'm playing CScot in solo mode with the supplied timetable.

I had a message saying there was a track circuit failure on the Alloa line but I don't have the SAK line. Does this refer to the Cambus line? I can't see any indications of a TC failure.

I have had a couple of module exception errors. Sorry should have written down the details. Hasn't affected the running as far as I can see. On both occasions I was attempting to join trains at Dunblane because of late running. My query is - is this (joining trains at Dunblane) actually allowed?

Third and final one. I had a signal lamp failure at CN356 which is the repeater for CN354. My query is what is the correct procedure for dealing with repeater signal lamp failures in real life? I didn't do anything and trains stopped at CN354 and reported stopped at an unlit signal.

Finally can I add my thanks to those of others for creating Simsig and the timetables. I really appreciate all your hard work. I particularly like the ABS and the ground frames on CScot.

If I have put this in the wrong place I apologise and please feel free to move.

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Queries 27/03/2010 at 09:50 #7869
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Mynnyddog said:
I had a message saying there was a track circuit failure on the Alloa line but I don't have the SAK line. Does this refer to the Cambus line? I can't see any indications of a TC failure.

That sounds like a fault hidden stuff should not 'fail'.

Mynnyddog said:
I have had a couple of module exception errors. Sorry should have written down the details. Hasn't affected the running as far as I can see.

Without full details I can't look into anything like that.

Mynnyddog said:
On both occasions I was attempting to join trains at Dunblane because of late running. My query is - is this (joining trains at Dunblane) actually allowed?

There is no reason why you shoudl not be able to join trains, there- but how did you try and do it- maybe that's where the problem arose?


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Queries 27/03/2010 at 18:44 #7902
6 posts

Thanks for your response.

The error has occurred again. The message I got was,

Internal error: Exception in OnOccupy ULC callback (EAccess Violation: Access violation at address 00513977 in module 'CScot.exe.' Read of address 00000060)

I hope this helps. I did also this time save a copy of the sim immediately afterwards if that would be of any use.


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Queries 27/03/2010 at 19:32 #7907
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Save just after might help- did it appear to be ralated to something you were doing at Dunblane if so what?

email address should be under 'contact us'


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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