You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Chicago Loop > File Details - Chicago L April 2017 Sunday
Weekday timetable for Chicago Loop, compiled from public timetables (effective 2nd April 2017) published by the CTA on their website
Headcodes used:
B = Brown
P = Pink
G = Green
O = Orance
Train lengths are accurate as far as I know. Peak times estimated to be 06:30 - 09:00 & 16:00 - 18:30 (trains entering in these times have the longer set)
Line Peak/Off Class car len (m) train len (m)
Brown 8/6 3200 14.63 117/88
Pink 6/4 5000 14.63 88/58.5
Green 6/4 5000 14.63 88/58.5
Orange 8/4 2600 14.63 117/58.5
Purple 6/4 2600 14.63 88/58.5
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