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SHEFFIELD – 28/08/21 – Saturday
A Saturday timetable for Sheffield based on the workings from 28/08/21.
Not a lot of freight at the weekend.
Most passenger services are operated by Northern, East Midlands Railway, Cross Country and Transpennine Express, as well as Sheffield Supertram. There are still some Covid reductions, but this is a busier timetable than my previous Sheffield offering.
There is also the appearance of a ROG charter operating from Chesterfield to Workington (and return).
Certain assumptions have been made regarding shunt moves around Sheffield Station and to/from the Holding Sidings, there will be some clashes so it is up to the signaller to regulate and prioritise on passenger workings.
This will chain to my other 28/08/21 timetables, when and where available.
Special thanks as ever go to Chris Law and Phil Hodgson for assistance and encouragement.
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