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Depot ECS timings 15/01/2023 at 16:20 #150156
1291 posts
Greetings all,

Some of you on this forum will be aware that I am working on a Three Bridges timetable which has the potential to be chaotic if delays are set: I know some of you like that so this will be right up your street when it is released, which I fully intend will happen. A question though regarding how I should handle this.

Some very kind person in the know gave me a full list of unit numbers used on the day for every single one of the trains in the timetable: I started with 1117 trains and have continued at that number after taking one or two out and adding one or two more in which I didn't know had run on the day. I am now gradually working through the traction settings for each working and adding any trains that I don't already have.

On Panel 1C the Down and Up Victoria Slow lines are closed for a rather large engineering posession and this means that there are quite a few moves into and out of Selhurst Depot. This means that any train terminating at Selhurst (Platform 1) has to do into the depot as one working and then reappear on the depot exit as a separate working (such as 5J89 which arrives at Selhurst, heads into the depot, and then returns to Selhurst as 5J12). The turnaround times in the depot range from 7 minutes to 15 minutes and as I have the unit numbers for each working I know which sets pair to which workings.

However I would need a timetable rule to prevent Working "B" leaving the depot before the arrival into the depot of working "A". Which rule should I use out of the ones available while perhaps taking into account that a working arriving late into the depot might make up time and return on time?


Last edited: 15/01/2023 at 16:21 by DaveHarries
Reason: None given

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Depot ECS timings 15/01/2023 at 16:36 #150157
288 posts
Train B must appear X minutes after Train A arrives at Selhust Depot, where X is the minimum station reversal time for the unit.

**Beware that exits don't always register train passing so you may have to use the "after train A leaves the area" rule. Don't know whether this is the case here.

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The following user said thank you: DaveHarries
Depot ECS timings 15/01/2023 at 16:44 #150158
586 posts
Using the "leaves the area" variant will also account for the hand of god "remove train" incident option, if the player finds it necessary to use that for whatever reason.
Last edited: 15/01/2023 at 17:04 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: DaveHarries
Depot ECS timings 15/01/2023 at 16:57 #150159
4026 posts
If it's an exit location always use 'leaves the area'.
"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following user said thank you: DaveHarries
Depot ECS timings 15/01/2023 at 19:53 #150161
1469 posts
Dionysusnu in post 150158 said:
Using the "leaves the area" variant will also account for the hand of god "remove train" incident option, if the player finds it necessary to use that for whatever reason.
However that does let the player off the hook, both for 'Hand of God' and misrouting trains.
So they send a train off to Brighton by mistake and it still magically later re-appears at Three Bridges.

Depends what sort of chaos you want.

You may be able to avoid the issue with those sim exits that are set up not to report by using an immediate previous location, so my Kings Cross (as Dalston Jn exit does not report) uses rules based on 'passing Canonbury West Jn'

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The following user said thank you: DaveHarries
Depot ECS timings 15/01/2023 at 20:41 #150163
1291 posts
bill_gensheet in post 150161 said:
Dionysusnu in post 150158 said:
Using the "leaves the area" variant will also account for the hand of god "remove train" incident option, if the player finds it necessary to use that for whatever reason.
However that does let the player off the hook, both for 'Hand of God' and misrouting trains.
So they send a train off to Brighton by mistake and it still magically later re-appears at Three Bridges.

Depends what sort of chaos you want.

You may be able to avoid the issue with those sim exits that are set up not to report by using an immediate previous location, so my Kings Cross (as Dalston Jn exit does not report) uses rules based on 'passing Canonbury West Jn'

The chaos is related to the scenario which is a lot of engineering works resulting in reduced station space and track availability in two parts of the sim: the TT is written based on the scenario and is the one in use on the day. Wait and see!


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