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SimSig in general

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SimSig in general 10/09/2023 at 11:05 #153272
19 posts
Hello everyone.
I am having a fantastic time with Simsig.Brilliant! I'm not making any complaints. all I want to know is. The trains run to a perfect ontime timetable.
Is there any method where some trains can be made to run late or early, making it more challenging.
Cheers Norm.

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SimSig in general 10/09/2023 at 11:08 #153273
310 posts
Turning up train delay probability in F3 could make that happen. I know that some sims have adverse weather options which take the trains longer to accelerate and brake which could lead to a few minutes delay here and there.

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SimSig in general 10/09/2023 at 15:02 #153282
5328 posts
Norm in post 153272 said:
Hello everyone.
I am having a fantastic time with Simsig.Brilliant! I'm not making any complaints. all I want to know is. The trains run to a perfect ontime timetable.
Is there any method where some trains can be made to run late or early, making it more challenging.
Cheers Norm.
Normally setting the degree of difficulty to greater than the simplest available when loading a sim induces some trains to enter early or late.

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SimSig in general 11/09/2023 at 10:57 #153287
19 posts
Thanks fellers
I will try both methods
Cheers Norm

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