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Crewe Some Issues

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Crewe Some Issues 11/09/2023 at 20:29 #153290
215 posts
Glad to say that the Crewe simplified tt allowed me to get to grips with the layout. However there are two outstanding problems.

Firstly, joining at Crewe Station is rarely successful. The train always ends up blocking the junctions at rear, then you have to somehow shunt the train forward and wait for this to happen. Meanwhile, other trains are delayed. Can this not be sorted out ?

Secondly, those through boxes with the labels RQST ACCP just never work with me. All I seem to get is RQST blinking on its own but never a solid acceptance. The train moves into the junction then disappears without a trace. The train drops from the list as well. Can anyone tell me how to get these mysterious through boxes to work ?

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Crewe Some Issues 11/09/2023 at 20:43 #153291
4870 posts
Hi Ray,

I'm not sure what you mean by the "simplified tt" so it's hard to answer your first point. If you have a look at our guide here on how to provide the technical information and a save game so we can look into it a further, we'd also need to know which trains aren't joining.

For the through acceptances there use is covered in the manual, from what you've said I don't think you are pressing the ACCP roundel at the far end to engage the acceptance.

Through Acceptances
Through acceptances are placed between Sorting Sidings North & Crewe PSB and Sorting Sidings North & Gresty Lane. These will allow for a TD to step between the panels.

You can only use these through acceptances for trains which are traversing through the sidings to the adjacent workstation. Trains booked South Yard or Coal Sidings on the Sorting Sidings North - Crewe PSB section, and Warehouse Sidings on the Sorting Sidings North - Gresty Lane section MUST NOT use these through acceptances as this will prevent the train leaving the sim, and may let the train proceed to the adjacent workstation.

To use the through acceptances:

Hit RQST on the sending box. Both indications will flash white. You may cancel this at any time by Right Clicking on the RQST roundel.
The Receiving box will press ACCP, and both indications will go solid white. You may cancel this at any time by Right Clicking on the ACCP roundel.
The through acceptance will automatically cancel itself after the passage of a train.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 11/09/2023 at 20:45 by headshot119
Reason: None given

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Crewe Some Issues 11/09/2023 at 21:00 #153292
215 posts
Thank you for your reply. By simplified tt, I am alluding to the tt that was issued recently that did not have an awkward joining of locomotives at the start. Anyway I am surprised about your answer to the joining problem at Crewe. I was under the impression that many people were having this problem. I can tell you that all the joins at crewe station have the same problem. The locomotive splits and joins ok but once the join has been achieved there is always insufficient space at the rear or front of the train to fit everything into the platform length.

Anyway you have cleared up the through boxes problem. I think you must treat them together like signal box A and signal box B. I was trying to operate the RQST ACCP buttons on only one box.

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Crewe Some Issues 11/09/2023 at 22:04 #153294
4023 posts
Ray in post 153292 said:
Thank you for your reply. By simplified tt, I am alluding to the tt that was issued recently that did not have an awkward joining of locomotives at the start. Anyway I am surprised about your answer to the joining problem at Crewe. I was under the impression that many people were having this problem. I can tell you that all the joins at crewe station have the same problem. The locomotive splits and joins ok but once the join has been achieved there is always insufficient space at the rear or front of the train to fit everything into the platform length.
As mentioned above, you'll need to provide the name of the timetable being used and the train(s) in question for us to help further. As it is, we've no idea if it's a sim problem, a timetable problem (especially relevant if this is a user-contributed TT), or a user error.

Running the TT supplied with the sim I haven't had a problem with any joins at Crewe.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Crewe Some Issues 12/09/2023 at 09:25 #153295
215 posts
Its difficult to find out which timetable I used initially as after the first run I save it to a name with a start date. Once that happens there is no record on the sim about its original name. Anyway I will restart a new sim and see if the join problem happens again.
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Crewe Some Issues 12/09/2023 at 09:25 #153296
215 posts
Last edited: 12/09/2023 at 09:26 by Ray
Reason: None given

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Crewe Some Issues 12/09/2023 at 10:05 #153297
1059 posts
Ray in post 153295 said:
Its difficult to find out which timetable I used initially as after the first run I save it to a name with a start date.
Can you provide this save that you're talking about that you have made, or any snapshots that have been taken whilst you were running through the TT.

How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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Crewe Some Issues 13/09/2023 at 14:25 #153305
215 posts
The timetable I was using which caused so many problems with joining at Crewe Station was the one labelled 21 July 2023.
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Crewe Some Issues 13/09/2023 at 16:00 #153306
1059 posts
Ray in post 153305 said:
The timetable I was using which caused so many problems with joining at Crewe Station was the one labelled 21 July 2023.
As this is a user contributed timetable, you will have to message the author of the TT with your issues or by starting a thread for the relevant TT.
With the lack of being able to provide a .ssg (save game) of your issue, we can't help any other way with the information that you've provided.


How to report an issue: www.SimSig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:reportanissue
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