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Landslip at Hatfield

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Landslip at Hatfield 12/02/2013 at 13:39 #41444
3726 posts
For anyone who might be interested, there has been a landslip at Hatfield, south yorkshire. No passenger services are operating between Donny and Scunthorpe with replacements in place.

the landslip appears to be next to the spoil tip at hatfield colliery. Two lines have been completely dislodged with the other two blocked by debris.

I imagine all the coal from/to immingham is being diverted via brigg/lincoln, gainsborough and Finningley until further notice.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Landslip at Hatfield 12/02/2013 at 15:52 #41449
456 posts
This started yesterday afternoon/evening with the Up lines being closed, and all traffic running over the down lines - with some diversions via Brigg.

By this morning, that had changed to all lines closed. By mid morning, the colliery and everything around it had been evacuated, as the ground was moving underneath the track, colliery and surrounding area. The issue is underground, and related to the mining.

This picture from the NR twitter feed shows the situation before the evacuation.


Up to now, a number of coal trains have been diverted via Brigg, and the first steel train out of Scunthorpe (all the rest have so far been cancelled) is on the run via Brigg (4O26) as I type. As far as I know, nothing has yet been diverted via Lincoln (route knowledge is an issue for some drivers), although this may change as longer term plans have to be made for diverting services over a period of time (I've had suggestions of 2 weeks and a month up to now), although I suggest that we're still in the investigation stage (at the very best given the ground was still moving this morning).

God bless, Daniel Wilson
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Landslip at Hatfield 12/02/2013 at 17:23 #41452
71 posts
Something to do with an underground shaft collapse by all accounts - the resulting subsidence has caused the slag heaps next to the mine to shift and spill onto the trackbed. Going to be a major repair job, given that three of the four lines (both Up lines towards Thorne Jcn and the Down Fast) have been either completely buried or severed by the displaced spoil). Officially the line's shut until 16 Feb, but I'd add another couple of weeks to that at the very least! Buses replacing trains on the Scunthorpe/Cleethorpes and Goole lines east of Doncaster, with Sheffield - Hull trains diverted via Selby.
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Landslip at Hatfield 12/02/2013 at 20:11 #41458
456 posts
Latest NR press release and overhead photos. http://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/News-Releases/7345/Disruption-to-rail-services-Stainforth-1800-update-12-2-13

From what I can understand, part of the issue is the ground being pushed up from underneath, rather than debris falling on top. Nobody is currently allowed near the site as the ground is still moving. Diversion of freight is being planned until AT LEAST this weekend. Overnight engineering work between Barnetby, Lincoln, Newark & Nottingham cancelled for the rest of this week - no available diversion route!

God bless, Daniel Wilson
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 08:01 #41478
321 posts

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Last edited: 13/02/2013 at 08:03 by JohnMiller
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 09:01 #41481
989 posts
This actually started on the 9th Feb with rough rides reported on the Up & Down Fast lines and at present there is NO estimation for reopening of any of the 4 lines as the spoil heap needs to be stabalised first.
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 13:10 #41492
456 posts
The latest photo

Well - it's certainly moved since yesterday!

God bless, Daniel Wilson
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 13:19 #41493
117 posts
I wish I lived there. Then the wife really would say, "Darling, the earth moved!"
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 13:23 #41494
1855 posts
...wonder if Network Rail can charge the colliery owners Track Access fees for the spoil storage?

Will certainly clock up the delay minutes I guess.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
Last edited: 13/02/2013 at 13:24 by AndyG
Reason: typo

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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 13:29 #41495
4023 posts
Does anyone have the times of diverted trains? Could make an interesting South Humberside TT...
"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 13:40 #41498
321 posts

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The following users said thank you: NCC1701, pebbens
Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 14:54 #41502
989 posts
It's the track for the new high speed tilting trains
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 15:13 #41503
1461 posts
I quite enjoy that they put stop signs on - I doubt anyone would be brave enough to bring a train that close!
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 15:15 #41504
456 posts
As regards the message about diversions and creating a TT - it's all VSTP and ad-hoc diversions at the moment (some aren't even being re-scheduled). Real Time Trains for Barnetby (TIPLOC BNTBY) or Gainsborough Trent (GBROTJ) will show you what has been reported, plus others which did run which haven't been reported fully in the system.

Fairly accurately simulated by altering the entry point and running without a TT - you would of course need some outline locations to get a run round at Barnetby to work!

Sorry I can't help any further - I don't have the time to copy and paste it all, and even then, you'd struggle to make it complete/correct given the ad-hoc nature of what's going on.

God bless, Daniel Wilson
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Landslip at Hatfield 13/02/2013 at 23:51 #41513
1855 posts
"Train services between Doncaster, Scunthorpe and Cleethorpes will be suspended for at least eight weeks after a landslip, Network Rail said."

from BBC News item.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Landslip at Hatfield 15/02/2013 at 02:04 #41540
71 posts
That's probably a conservative estimate! With the ground still moving and the slag heap settling into what I would guess would be a collapsed shaft underground, it may be some weeks before NR can get anywhere near to start work on sorting that mess out. The colliery company will first have to remove the weight of spoil from the top of the pile to stabilise the rest of it and backfill the underground void with concrete. Only then will something be able to be done with what's left of the trackbed & formation, which will need digging down to the foundations and flattening out prior to relaying and reinstatement of the all the comms cables. Wouldn't be surprised if it's six months or more before repairs are completed.
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Landslip at Hatfield 15/02/2013 at 12:37 #41553
3726 posts
so whos idea was it to single the brigg line :whistle: quite possibly regretting that one at the moment...
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 12:26 #41610
456 posts
And taking out the boxes between Lincoln & Barnetby... (Howsham, Moortown, Market Rasen & others)...

Between 1800 and 2100 at Lincoln last night (Sunday evening) there were 3 steel and 2 coal trains - 4 of which were block to block by the time they reached Barnetby!

Plus 5 engineering trains (the sixth was over 3 hours late, so we didn't wait)!

Normally there's nothing at all!

God bless, Daniel Wilson
Last edited: 18/02/2013 at 12:26 by onlydjw
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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 13:07 #41611
452 posts
It probably made sense at the time. As I don't have the current signalling arrangements in front of me and my copy of the 1978 ER(S) appendix to compare against I can't say whether the block sections are remarkably different in terms of capacity. Can someone enlighten me?
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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 15:19 #41613
3726 posts
" said:
It probably made sense at the time. As I don't have the current signalling arrangements in front of me and my copy of the 1978 ER(S) appendix to compare against I can't say whether the block sections are remarkably different in terms of capacity. Can someone enlighten me?
given the standard level of traffic on both lines, it does make sense, but doesnt leave much provision for diversions, given the amount of traffic out of immingham, and the fact is HAS to run via Wrawby to get anywhere.

You can always switch out a box "permanently" until needed (Elmton & Cresswell?), but its remarkably difficult to reopen one from scratch! (nowadays anyway)

Im sure daniel can be more specific with figures, but capacity on the lincoln line was greatly reduced (at least 50% less paths) when rationalised, and i doubt the brigg line was any better.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 17:52 #41616
1461 posts
" said:
You can always switch out a box "permanently" until needed (Elmton & Cresswell?), but its remarkably difficult to reopen one from scratch! (nowadays anyway)
Though you either don't save hugely on maintenance, or you run the risk of it not working when you want it to! Even after only a month and a half of closure, the token machines on the SVR were a bit grumpy this weekend.

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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 18:03 #41617
Stephen Fulcher
2106 posts
Token machines do not like lack of use hugely, and from my time as a Signalman on the SVR I can recall quite a few occasions where the instruments were temperamental.

I think the idea of permanently switching out used to be the theory that although a box was not required at that time, it might be at some point in the future. It is a lot easier to do negligible maintenance on what is already there then reinstate it later, than it is to rip it all out and then have to pay for a whole new installation.

That being said, I cannot think of any box that has been permanently switched out ever being used again.

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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 19:20 #41620
310 posts
Station Limits Working is in use this weekend at Rawtenstall station on the ELR (the whole station is normally considered part of the single-line section it's at the end of) for the steam gala. It's the first time I know of its use in the almost two years I've been there, and indeed I've never heard of it actually being used, so I don't know when the token machine at Rawtenstall West last saw a token. I await its failure with interest and inevitability.
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Landslip at Hatfield 18/02/2013 at 22:22 #41622
431 posts
" said:

That being said, I cannot think of any box that has been permanently switched out ever being used again.
Three Spires Junction on the Coventry - Nuneaton line was permanently switched out (and subsequently burnt to the ground by the locals). It later resumed as a portakabin. I believe that it never actually closed until it was replaced by the West Midland RCC.

Signal box prefix codes lists Smethwick Junction (at Smethwick West station) as re-opening in 1966 when the Stourbridge line services were temporarily diverted into Birmingham New Street for ~30 years.


Last edited: 18/02/2013 at 22:22 by pbinnersley
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Landslip at Hatfield 19/02/2013 at 07:40 #41626
Late Turn
699 posts
" said:
That being said, I cannot think of any box that has been permanently switched out ever being used again.

I don't know whether Woolley Coal Sidings was switched out or actually abolished, but it was reopened a few years ago to provide capacity for the second fast service via Barnsley. How about some of the S&C boxes too - Garsdale?

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