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Up Yard to Northam Depot Timtabling

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Up Yard to Northam Depot Timtabling 26/08/2013 at 16:30 #48871
16 posts

I'm trying to create a timetable for a full 24 hour period for the current WTT (and a few STP) of the area, I haven't had a problem with an routing except for some empty coaching stock from Southampton Central to Northam Depot. Here is the WTT of one instance:


The problem is at the UP yard. It doesn't want to reverse there and go across the FL and SL to the Northam Rev line:

Here is the route in SimSIg:


Where are timing points such that this would be sucessful, or failing that, what route could you timetable a train from Sounthampton Central to Northam Depot?

Many Thanks

Last edited: 26/08/2013 at 16:31 by readered
Reason: Incorrect Links

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Up Yard to Northam Depot Timtabling 26/08/2013 at 17:59 #48877
16 posts
Figured it.

Realised I couldn't do it under one headcode, so routed a train with headcode 5B75-1 in and set a rule for 5B75-2 to enter 15 minutes later.

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Up Yard to Northam Depot Timtabling 26/08/2013 at 18:21 #48878
771 posts
This is one of the keys to TT design, you have to treat each train as an entity until it "leaves" the sim. If it re-appears sometime later, the new train is treated by the sim as completely different entity.

As a general note, if the location in question is an exit point for the sim, and a train going there is removed from the train list when it arrives, then you cannot treat this location as a reverse point (as you found out) even if the train then comes back out sometime later as the TT is only valid while the train is in the sim. Once it leaves, it's gone and any further locations as essentially lost.

To get the train to come back out, you'll need a new TT entry with where the train reverses as the entry point containing the remainder of the TT. It will also need a rule to ensure the second train doesn't leave this location before the first one actually arrives in the event the first one is late.

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Up Yard to Northam Depot Timtabling 26/08/2013 at 18:55 #48879
1315 posts
If you use Northam Junction (reverse) / Northam Sig E842 / Northam CSD as timing points, the train does not have to leave and re-enter the sim on its way from Southampton Central to Northam Depot.
Key point here is using Northam Sig E842 instead of Run-Round Line.

Edit: In the SX09 timetable available in the Downloads, there are various trains using Northam Depot from all directions - maybe their TT's can help you. They mostly have 5B** headcodes.

AJP in games
Last edited: 26/08/2013 at 18:58 by Albert
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Up Yard to Northam Depot Timtabling 26/08/2013 at 19:34 #48880
16 posts
Thanks for the key pointers.

I was trying to reverse the train from the reception line at the UP yard, not the actual yard itself, and I was also also already using Northam Sig E842. Although, I am unable to find a timing location for Northam Jn Rev...

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