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Swindon Panel Visit Pictures

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Swindon Panel Visit Pictures 16/09/2013 at 16:11 #49408
Temple Meads
308 posts
On Saturday 14th September the Swindon Panel Preservation Society hosted their first meeting, this included a visit to the box itself, starting with a tour with the relay room we then went upstairs to the operating floor.

Various pictures from the visit can be seen below:

The box itself:

Relay Room:

Overview of the panel from the western end:

Danny Scroggins giving a helpful talk and demonstration about the operation of the panel:

Route set for 0V13 out of the Down Goods and into Platform 1:

Swindon Station area:

VDU Train Describer Screen:

Wootton Bassett panel:

Plenty more pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/tim.squires.9/media_set?set=a.472666786164815.1073741832.100002644927209&type=1

Thanks to everyone involved in arranging this tour, easily the best day out I've had this year!

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Last edited: 16/09/2013 at 16:12 by Temple Meads
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The following users said thank you: John, Steamer, AndyG, Guts, andyb0607, UKTrainMan
Swindon Panel Visit Pictures 16/09/2013 at 19:04 #49416
929 posts
Just a few photo's which I took from the relay room - I think Tim has nicely summed up the panel it's self

1 - Flasher Relay

2 - Critical Relays (Fail Safe Relays)

3 - Some more relays (Can't remember which these are)

4 - Bank of Non Critical Relays

Last edited: 16/09/2013 at 19:15 by pedroathome
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The following user said thank you: UKTrainMan
Swindon Panel Visit Pictures 16/09/2013 at 19:54 #49417
521 posts
3 - Some more relays (Can't remember which these are)
Reed FDM or Frequency Divisional Multiplex

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The following user said thank you: pedroathome
Swindon Panel Visit Pictures 16/09/2013 at 20:32 #49419
Sam Tugwell
494 posts
Ah relays. By the end of my Work Experience with NR I'd had quite enough of them!
"Signalman Exeter"
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The following user said thank you: Temple Meads
Swindon Panel Visit Pictures 16/09/2013 at 22:08 #49421
929 posts
Thanks for that Firefly. I will update that shortly

Secondly, I have uploaded the remainder of the photo's to my website, and are available from here. I know there are some photo's currently the wrong way around, and I shall be correcting that shortly

Once again, a thankyou to everyone involved with Saturdays visit


Last edited: 16/09/2013 at 22:09 by pedroathome
Reason: Sort out broken link

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