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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom.

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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 08/10/2010 at 16:05 #1867
30 posts
Can the platform staff at a station call the signaller for a line block to pick up a articles from the track. e.g. the same for the level crossing does for the herd of cows.
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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 08/10/2010 at 16:05 #11915
30 posts
Can the platform staff at a station call the signaller for a line block to pick up a articles from the track. e.g. the same for the level crossing does for the herd of cows.
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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 08/10/2010 at 16:41 #11916
884 posts
I believe any member of railway staff, irrespective of whether they are competent in PTS, may go onto the running line to prevent death or injury, but not if it's only to retrieve an item of property.

If you believe the item is likely to be a danger to trains, then you must first get the signaller to block the line and get them to call out the MOM or P-way to come and retrieve it.

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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 09/10/2010 at 00:10 #11922
1803 posts
Ginger said:
Can the platform staff at a station call the signaller for a line block to pick up a articles from the track. e.g. the same for the level crossing does for the herd of cows.
Yes, but as you said only after having contacting the signaller to request for the line to be blocked.

John said:
I believe any member of railway staff, irrespective of whether they are competent in PTS, may go onto the running line to prevent death or injury, but not if it's only to retrieve an item of property.

If you believe the item is likely to be a danger to trains, then you must first get the signaller to block the line and get them to call out the MOM or P-way to come and retrieve it.
Probably half-right. I seem to recall reading not long ago, possibly in one of the rule books, that staff at stations themselves do not need to be PTS trained to go onto the track to retrieve an item of lost property from the line.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 09/10/2010 at 07:05 #11926
989 posts
John said:
I believe any member of railway staff, irrespective of whether they are competent in PTS, may go onto the running line to prevent death or injury, but not if it's only to retrieve an item of property.

If you believe the item is likely to be a danger to trains, then you must first get the signaller to block the line and get them to call out the MOM or P-way to come and retrieve it.

Probably half-right. I seem to recall reading not long ago, possibly in one of the rule books, that staff at stations themselves do not need to be PTS trained to go onto the track to retrieve an item of lost property from the line.
Actually, John is 100% correct. Non PTS trained staff are not allowed on or near the line unless it's an emergency. Just because a signaler blocks the line, doesn't mean that it is 100% safe. There are othr thinks to be warty of when walking the track, eg conductor rail , in certain areas.

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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 09/10/2010 at 09:29 #11928
27 posts
Station staff *can* go onto the line to retrieve dropped articles, if they have received local training at their location to do so and have obtained a block of the line from the signaller. PTS training is not required. So Ginger - yes you are correct. Rule book module SS1 (station duties) part 3 gives the details.
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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 09/10/2010 at 10:59 #11931
61 posts
All the information about staff retrieving articles can be found in rule book module TS1 13.3
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Retrieving articles from the line at a platfrom. 09/10/2010 at 13:18 #11937
5328 posts
All on-line as well in the RGS Rule Book. See pp 7-8 of the linked module.
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