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Make it more accessible to newbies

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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 02:13 #2500
9 posts
No - I don't mean dumb it down, cuz i love the complexity, but make the manual more complete and helpful for a person that has no clue what dispatching is. For instance, reading timetables. No matter how many times i read the manual, then went back to the sim, then back to the manual, ad infinitum, i often could not cipher out what track the train was supposed to depart on, etc.

DF - Oh! down Fife, cuz down is the wrong direction for that track, hehe. it was a big mystery piecing together all the lil clues from the manual, the simulation documentation, the time tables, etc

A similar experience with setting signals. I'd read the manual, understand it perfectly, and then go to Waverly and think, wth, i can't see that at all!, and what are all these symbols in between?.

Also - Tell beginners that they should start with Royston and even include it in the basic delivery package.

I spent an entire day going blind trying to dispatch Edinburgh with no knowledge of the subject at all. hehe. when i downloaded and simulated Royston, it was perfect for me. started slow and easy and then each new train entering the area added just a bit more complexity. learning as i go. yup - that's the ticket.

p.s. - superb simulation - i will donate a bit for this freeware!

hi :-)

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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 02:13 #13756
9 posts
No - I don't mean dumb it down, cuz i love the complexity, but make the manual more complete and helpful for a person that has no clue what dispatching is. For instance, reading timetables. No matter how many times i read the manual, then went back to the sim, then back to the manual, ad infinitum, i often could not cipher out what track the train was supposed to depart on, etc.

DF - Oh! down Fife, cuz down is the wrong direction for that track, hehe. it was a big mystery piecing together all the lil clues from the manual, the simulation documentation, the time tables, etc

A similar experience with setting signals. I'd read the manual, understand it perfectly, and then go to Waverly and think, wth, i can't see that at all!, and what are all these symbols in between?.

Also - Tell beginners that they should start with Royston and even include it in the basic delivery package.

I spent an entire day going blind trying to dispatch Edinburgh with no knowledge of the subject at all. hehe. when i downloaded and simulated Royston, it was perfect for me. started slow and easy and then each new train entering the area added just a bit more complexity. learning as i go. yup - that's the ticket.

p.s. - superb simulation - i will donate a bit for this freeware!

hi :-)

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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 10:08 #13757
5328 posts

Freeware / shareware has its advantages and disadvantages when compared with a paid-for offering. One of the disadvantages is that the user-documentation is often the last thing on a developer's mind when a sim is in gestation. Additionally, the developer probably knows too much about the sim and has the detail so far embedded into the thinking processes that things an outsider might need when coming to the sim are in the "taken for granted" box.

However, on the upside, the Wiki is a resource which can be edited by any user (subject to log-in etc.). Have you thought about helping the voluntary community along by using your experiences to better inform the Wiki?


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 11:09 #13759
1855 posts
Steven, Welcome to SimSig.
Another good way to learn the more complex sims is to join a multiplay session, as you will be more than welcome to watch how it's done, and/or you can also concentrate on one panel at a time.
All hosts will help you, and you can also ask all those questions that appear obvious to us, but not to a newcomer, and help us to improve it.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 13:14 #13762
Peter Bennet
5435 posts
There was a project to do mini training videos but it seemed to stall after the first one. If you have a search on YouTube it was there and maybe still linked to the WIKI (if not maybe someone could link it).

if someone wanted to pick this up again and do some more then please do.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 13:18 #13763
884 posts
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 14:06 #13765
6406 posts
Steven, welcome, your points are noted and I don't have much more to add than what's already been said except to re-iterate that we don't know what you don't know! Anything you can add to the Wiki to help others in your situation will help. Don't worry if it's factually wrong as somebody can come along and correct it.
SimSig Boss
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 15:33 #13770
1855 posts
I think Mark Jones (WD) is looking at those tutorial videos, insofar as he asked me for my tutorial TTs for Royston.

I'll submit them for upload on Royston.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 16:13 #13771
Peter Bennet
5435 posts
I did write a special "Tutorial" sim for the purpose but it's probably a bit out of date now.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 22:21 #13775
9 posts
Thanks very much for the nice welcome and help folks. I appreciate that. I watched that video tutorial on signal setting and read the beginner's guide to Royston on wiki.

Does anyone know why Royston is not one of the simulations that a donation can be made to? I was looking for it to make a small kick in.


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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 22:33 #13776
Peter Bennet
5435 posts
steven said:

Does anyone know why Royston is not one of the simulations that a donation can be made to? I was looking for it to make a small kick in.
There used to be a "general" donation but as Royston was one of Clive's I'd suggest selecting Cambridge (from which it is a carved) for the time being, which he also did.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Make it more accessible to newbies 24/02/2011 at 22:38 #13777
9 posts
okay - thanks.
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Make it more accessible to newbies 26/02/2011 at 13:53 #13793
Peter Bennet
5435 posts
Added Video to WIKI but page probably needs tidied up.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Make it more accessible to newbies 26/02/2011 at 19:02 #13795
9 posts
yanno - as usual - i shot my mouth off more than i should as a person that knows nothing. the more i learn about dispatching, the more i see that many of the answers actually were in the manual.

they were just over my head at the time i was reading them.

i have graduated to 'Cambridge' and can mostly follow the logic of the timetable, albeit, on pause a lot of the time. :-)

it starts gettin pretty darned busy at even like 04:30. ;-)

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Make it more accessible to newbies 26/02/2011 at 19:06 #13796
9 posts
a cool experiment i did, was to start the scenario, create a train with nothing but an entry point, and use my imagination as to where to route it, reverse it, send it to a siding, etc, etc. the other trains could sit at red signals all day. i didn't care. :-)

perhaps, if i get the energy. i'll create a 'one train' timetable, and include a tutorial on how to move it from here to there. hehe. ;-)

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Make it more accessible to newbies 26/02/2011 at 19:17 #13797
9 posts
it's funny to see Royston (which i was so proud of learning) as just one small part of one screen in the Cambridge area :-)
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Make it more accessible to newbies 01/03/2011 at 13:26 #13819
1466 posts
There's also my 'talk through' timetable for CSCOT as another starting point (perhaps after Royston), although it was aimed more at the sim than at SimSig


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Make it more accessible to newbies 01/03/2011 at 23:04 #13825
963 posts
I am happy to host a Central Scotland "Absolute Block" trainer session now that I know where all the clearing points are! Is anyone interested in that?


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Make it more accessible to newbies 01/03/2011 at 23:24 #13827
1803 posts
KymriskaDraken said:
I am happy to host a Central Scotland "Absolute Block" trainer session now that I know where all the clearing points are! Is anyone interested in that?
Yes! I'm personally yet to get into the whole AB Working on Central Scotland and have never properly worked it in a multiplayer game - I have only briefly played with it solo to test something or do something like that so giving it a go in a multiplayer game would be great.

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