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Re: Donationware 29/06/2012 at 16:47 #33532
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
But I did notice that Drain and NLL were disabled but as far as I can see these are still downloadable.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Donationware 29/06/2012 at 21:34 #33534
872 posts
Agian I am sorry to keep going on about this. However, having just gone back in and only pressed the next button to enter the required information I got the message below. It is definately worrying if correct as I had not even logged into my Pal Pal account in any way but it appears that the amount has been paid. Surely this is not correct. I am just about to log into Pay Pal to check if monies have been transferred.

Return to MerchantError MessageThis invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant.

PayPal. The safer, easier way to pay.

For more information, read our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Re: Donationware 29/06/2012 at 22:01 #33535
480 posts
I got something similar when trying to pay for the Newcastle meet. Given that my old Paypal account no longer works and the new account we use has never been accessed from this PC let alone the Simsig site it was weird to see a message that the invoice had been paid. I was expecting to be prompted to log into Paypal to pay but this never happened. I had also updated my billing address last night when I was unable to get the link to work but this seems to have disappeared as well and I am unable to update it again.

I'll leave things a few days to see if things are sorted or wait and pay on the day.

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Re: Donationware 29/06/2012 at 23:45 #33536
6325 posts
" said:
I got something similar when trying to pay for the Newcastle meet. Given that my old Paypal account no longer works and the new account we use has never been accessed from this PC let alone the Simsig site it was weird to see a message that the invoice had been paid. I was expecting to be prompted to log into Paypal to pay but this never happened. I had also updated my billing address last night when I was unable to get the link to work but this seems to have disappeared as well and I am unable to update it again.

I'll leave things a few days to see if things are sorted or wait and pay on the day.
That's odd because I've received a couple of successful payments over the last couple of days. Sloppyjag, I can see you have two orders cancelled (basically because they were never completed), and one created (never went to payment) from Northroad.

When I tried yesterday, I got as far as the PayPal login screen and then backed out. In the Hikashop module it shows my order as cancelled. When I went to try it again just now I did indeed get the invoice paid screen from PayPal. Obviously the module passes data to PayPal in order for it to show a total and the "Your order summary" section (note that you're on the PayPal website at this point, not SimSig), and it must also include an invoice number which PayPal stores. But at this point it doesn't know who I am because I haven't logged in, so I guess it's literally just remembered "Order XYZ from SimSig" rather than who ordered it.

When I went back, my cart was empty and I tried again. This time I did not get the "invoice paid" screen. I can see that Hikashop has created a new order for me, which is probably why PayPal was happy to accept it.

Please try again: you should not be able to pay until you've entered your details on PayPal so it ought to be secure. Unlike my phone where my 4-year old bought 100,000 goldfish for some game or other for $49.95 without going through any kind of confirmation process - words about which I shall be having with AT&T.

SimSig Boss
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 00:34 #33537
1841 posts
" said:
..... Unlike my phone where my 4-year old bought 100,000 goldfish for some game or other for $49.95 without going through any kind of confirmation process - words about which I shall be having with AT&T.
Why is it 4-year-olds are better at IT than us Luddites? I'm still struggling to m'phone-text after 9 years.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 06:42 #33538
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
" said:
..... Unlike my phone where my 4-year old bought 100,000 goldfish for some game or other for $49.95 without going through any kind of confirmation process - words about which I shall be having with AT&T.
I'm still struggling to m'phone-text after 9 years.
I've almost mastered two tins and a piece of string.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 10:10 #33539
480 posts
Tried again and, despite a false start - got the "invoice has already been paid message" again - I have now managed to get it to work and have now paid.
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 12:50 #33540
872 posts
Wish I had the same luck. I had a message in my personal mail box saying the order was completed and ready to be paid. I followed the link H7 and there was just no where to click to let me pay. Went in and apparently cancelled the order. Not deterred I created another order and then eventually ended up with the same paid message but without using Pay Pal id or anything. Thirty minutes later I have given up
I have never come across anything so cumbersome in my life and all just to give someone £20.
Sorry guys but to say I am frustrated is putting it mildly.


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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 13:04 #33541
872 posts
If you can mail me to my personal mail with the SimSig payment account mail address I can go into Pay Pal and do it that way.
A lot easier.


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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 14:13 #33542
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I've just tried myself with the benefit of being able to view the backend as it happens.

I select the product and add to cart.
Proceed to checkout and it says in red "Please provide a Billing address above."
But there is no obvious place to provide an address so I clicked "next".

That took me to the "This invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant." return to merchant

That took me back to the Simsig page and the item detail- could not reselect - I had to go back to the browse shop menu.

In the back end I had order created followed by order cancelled.
Now to my address.
Shop preferences has a "manage your address" option.
I select "New" and am presented with a white box with "address information" and "OK" button but it's not possible to fill anything in.

People who have managed to get somewhere with the system have

"Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/SimSig/public_html/administrator/components/com_hikashop/views/order/tmpl/form_address.php on line 32" in the Billing Address field.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 30/06/2012 at 14:18 by Peter Bennet
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 14:27 #33543
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Tried it several times an out of 8 attempts (with no address) 3 did take me to the paypal log-in page.
those that got there were reported as "created" in the back end. Though looking through actually 5 were reported as created without a cancellation.

It appears if I click "return to merchant" it cancels the order, if I don't the order remains "created".

Hopefully this will assist Geoff in tracking down the problem.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 30/06/2012 at 14:28 by Peter Bennet
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 15:02 #33544
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
The other thing you can't seem to do is return at a later date and complete the order. I have 11 listed in the "preferences . view orders" this is the same screen you are sent to from the email. The orders are listed as created or cancelled and all orders can be opened up and viewed . but there is no link to make a payment.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 15:08 #33545
205 posts
Being worked on now Peter.
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 15:15 #33546
6325 posts
Howard's working on it. I've got to do a family thing today apparently, though I did manage to work in an Amtrak trip up Cajon Pass, albeit only for 1.5 hours in semi-darkness and with two kids in tow.
SimSig Boss
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Re: Donationware 30/06/2012 at 15:29 #33547
205 posts
Have disabled the shop for the time being, as I have 3 test's left to do then it should be all working.
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