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SimSig Scotland

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SimSig Scotland 05/12/2012 at 18:04 #38745
6325 posts
Peter and I have now issued all licenses up to this time of posting.

Regarding the auto license issuing not working, I have been using the support forums for Hikashop but unfortunately the help received thus far hasn't been much use. The documentation could be better too. I now have a strategy that will take most of the code away from Hikashop, thus more in my control. This will take a few hours to write and test.

SimSig Boss
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SimSig Scotland 05/12/2012 at 19:56 #38752
78 posts
place could u do mine Geoff?


Last edited: 05/12/2012 at 19:57 by bugali
Reason: when wrong

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SimSig Scotland 05/12/2012 at 21:11 #38755
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Right auto- licensing is now working and two orders went though no problem I understand. Geoff and I believe we have dealt with all the manual licenses now so if anyone's not got what they thought they should let us know and we can double check, it'll be a miracle if they all went through correctly. Please quote your order number with any queries.

Thanks for your support.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 03:29 #38771
88 posts
If I try to pay with an American credit card, will I run into issues? Or will PayPal automatically handle the currency conversion?
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 04:52 #38772
6325 posts
" said:
If I try to pay with an American credit card, will I run into issues? Or will PayPal automatically handle the currency conversion?
It will handle the currency conversion for you. People in various countries have bought without issue, as have my (many) test transactions using an American AMEX card.

SimSig Boss
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 11:21 #38787
John 23
173 posts
Excellent news! Three sims f.o.c and now four sims on a fee basis in a couple of weeks.
The price for the Scottish sims is most reasonable for the amount of pleasure :cheer: (and frustration! ) users may obtain. The others must only be free almost from habit. If Simsig was starting from here, I'm sure they would all be on a fee basis.
BTW, Is it necessary, or even prudent, to uninstal the previous versions of Edinburgh and CS before installing the new versions?
I'm going to hold off buying until the Perth bug is cured, but will buy the bulk deal then.

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 12:29 #38791
103 posts
I have downloaded NE Scotland. when I try to run it I get the message, this application failed to start because xmlrtl60 was not found.
Can anyone help?

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 12:31 #38792
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
There was a previous message from Geoff earlier in this thread with how to correct that problem.
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 12:42 #38796
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
There was a previous message from Geoff earlier in this thread with how to correct that problem.
Posts 14 and 18 above, posts imply they have since been repackaged with license manager but I can't say for sure.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 13:25 #38798
259 posts
So far, I have only received my receipt from Paypal. I haven't received any emails from Simsig. I have run the license manager and assigned licenses for all 4 sims to this machine but unsure how to download the actual sims.

Have I missed something?


Matt Smith
Newcastle, Australia.

Not fat ..... fluffy!! (G Iglesias)
Last edited: 06/12/2012 at 13:36 by Mattyq
Reason: Additional info

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 15:12 #38800
5208 posts
" said:
[Posts 14 and 18 above, posts imply they have since been repackaged with license manager but I can't say for sure.

I have just downloaded and installed the latest Licence Manager (v3_236a) and as far as I could follow while installation was taking place, the required system files are dropped into Window\system32.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 06/12/2012 at 15:13 by postal
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 16:18 #38801
6325 posts
" said:
I have downloaded NE Scotland. when I try to run it I get the message, this application failed to start because xmlrtl60 was not found.
Can anyone help?
The best bet, as others have suggested, is to download the License Manager (again).

" said:
So far, I have only received my receipt from Paypal. I haven't received any emails from Simsig. I have run the license manager and assigned licenses for all 4 sims to this machine but unsure how to download the actual sims.

Have I missed something?
I've just sent you an email addressing this.

SimSig Boss
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 17:33 #38803
27 posts
I like some other folks have to question this decision. What's the break down of the £30. Another off putting thing is the fact that there seems to be a lot of problems, you don't go to somewhere and buy a game or something and expect it not to be working.

Some people are struggling for money under the current climate and I don't think this has been taken into account.

On the turnside I reckon some of us not all of us the Simsig community have only got ourselves to blame for not donating and taking the program for granted, but should the tide turn and it was Simsig in trouble I reckon the tables would turn and we'd all be doing our best to save the program we like and play so often.

I like many others feel I have to express my Opinion like it or not I feel the guys who run SimSig and the website have to take views like this on board


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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 17:50 #38804
129 posts
I'd like to say that I found the download, payment and installation of the McSim bundle faultless. All sims up and running.

The Licence Manager requires your normal SimSig username and password to access the licences, and then it's a doddle to assign one of the two licence slots per sim to the computer you are using. This implies you can have two separate computers licenced at the same time.

I rather favour the purchasing of a licence over leaving the sims as donationware to be honest. I know I have donated in the past, but that was some time ago and with all the time and effort spent by the developers of these sims I've always been amazed that they were to all intents and purposes free.

I think this is the way to go in the future.

Signalman Exeter West & Llangollen
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 18:51 #38805
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
I like some other folks have to question this decision. What's the break down of the £30.
£30 is a 50% discount on the sum of the price of the Sims sold separately.

How you choose to view that breakdown is subjective: is it £5 Cowlairs, £7.50 CSCOT/NESCOT £10 Edinburgh or is it £7.50 each or even £25 (full price) for NESCOT/Cowlairs and £5 updated CSCOT/Edinburgh.

Take your pick.

If you are asking how did I settle on the prices I did then that's a private matter.

" said:

Another off putting thing is the fact that there seems to be a lot of problems, you don't go to somewhere and buy a game or something and expect it not to be working.
1 proven bug which I regret.
1 bug I can't reproduce and 1 the author seems to have been unable to reproduce.

A couple of alleged bugs I need to investigate.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The following user said thank you: mfloyd
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 19:36 #38807
6325 posts
" said:
Some people are struggling for money under the current climate and I don't think this has been taken into account.
There will always be some that question the decision to charge for some new sims or highly refreshed sims. There's no point going into the specifics as it's an argument neither side will win. However, the above comment strikes me as odd. Are you saying Peter, Clive, and I should work for free to provide you with what you want? Do you think we might not be struggling for money too? The other day I worked out the donations this year as I've been keeping better track of the time spent on SimSig, and the conclusion was that I'd be better off working for McDonald's - several times better off in fact, and that didn't take into account donations to be distributed to the appropriate developers.

Should also note that you got the sims for 83.33% off the regular price which I think Peter has been extraordinarily generous with.

SimSig Boss
Last edited: 06/12/2012 at 19:40 by GeoffM
Reason: Donation

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:02 #38808
44 posts
I'm sure you guys have already thought this through already, but if not, have you thought about how you're going to deal with Distance Selling Regulations?
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:07 #38809
6325 posts
" said:
I'm sure you guys have already thought this through already, but if not, have you thought about how you're going to deal with Distance Selling Regulations?
The various regulations and taxations are not really a matter for public consumption. Suffice to say legal and taxation advice has been sought and followed. The DSR is for EU suppliers.

SimSig Boss
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:26 #38811
197 posts
You're absolutely right. I remember 10 years ago when I was happy to pay for these Sims. I just wish I had got around making a donation in more recent times. In Australia the price is equal to a takeaway Chinese meal for two.
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The following user said thank you: GeoffM
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:43 #38812
9 posts
I'm a bit of lurker on the forums but have been 'playing' and thoroughly enjoying Simsig for a number of years. The quality of the simulations surpasses anything else I have tried. I have a high pressure, difficult job and Simsig has undoubtedly helped me chill out over these years taking my mind elsewhere with the 'puzzle' of signalling.

What is even more amazing is that up until now it has all been free. I have absolutely no problem with the move to charging a moderate cost for these fantastic sims. The work that goes into them is colossal and I am very satisfied with my Simsig Scotland purchase.

I am taken aback by some of the negative posters around charging. There seems to be an expectation that people should spend countless hours putting these things together and then there is amazement that they have the audacity to charge for their time hard work, skills. Can't understand that...

To Peter, many thanks for your hard work for these recently released sims and Geoff for creating the whole thing.

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The following users said thank you: northroad, postal, GeoffM, GoochyB, guidomcc, dmaze
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:51 #38813
5208 posts
" said:
I like some other folks have to question this decision. What's the break down of the £30. Another off putting thing is the fact that there seems to be a lot of problems, you don't go to somewhere and buy a game or something and expect it not to be working.

Some people are struggling for money under the current climate and I don't think this has been taken into account.

On the turnside I reckon some of us not all of us the Simsig community have only got ourselves to blame for not donating and taking the program for granted, but should the tide turn and it was Simsig in trouble I reckon the tables would turn and we'd all be doing our best to save the program we like and play so often.

I like many others feel I have to express my Opinion like it or not I feel the guys who run SimSig and the website have to take views like this on board

Posts like this amaze me. Do these people go into a pub and refuse to buy a drink until the landlord tells them how much he gets, what his costs are, how much the brewery or pubco gets and how much the government takes. Some people are struggling for money and don't go to the pub any more. If they do go to the pub and they get a bad pint, the landlord will replace it. Looks like much the same has happened in regard to the teething troubles with the downloads and licence. I suppose it might be different if you have been used to going into a pub and having free drink all night; if you did that you would think "Golly, haven't I been lucky". Well, think the same about SimSig please.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: andyb0607
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:54 #38814
27 posts
I post my opinion and yourself Peter and Geoff are on the defensive. I didn't say you should work free to provide me what I want did I Geoff? That surely is impossible to do and even you would admit that. You can't physically provide what everyone wants and certainly not what I want which would be a Yoker Simsig as it is a conflict of interest.

Surely when you decided to this you knew questions were going to be asked?

I want to spend my money and I probably will soon as the work is top notch, but all I'm saying is when you read about all these hiccups it doesn't make for good reading as £30 is a lot for some folk.

In future if I have constructive feedback I shall keep it to myself?


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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:56 #38815
27 posts

Posts like this amaze me. Do these people go into a pub and refuse to buy a drink until the landlord tells them how much he gets, what his costs are, how much the brewery or pubco gets and how much the government takes. Some people are struggling for money and don't go to the pub any more. If they do go to the pub and they get a bad pint, the landlord will replace it. Looks like much the same has happened in regard to the teething troubles with the downloads and licence. I suppose it might be different if you have been used to going into a pub and having free drink all night; if you did that you would think "Golly, haven't I been lucky". Well, think the same about SimSig please.
I am entitled to my Opinion, Like you are also

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 20:57 #38816
5208 posts
" said:
I post my opinion and yourself Peter and Geoff are on the defensive. I didn't say you should work free to provide me what I want did I Geoff? That surely is impossible to do and even you would admit that. You can't physically provide what everyone wants and certainly not what I want which would be a Yoker Simsig as it is a conflict of interest.

Surely when you decided to this you knew questions were going to be asked?

I want to spend my money and I probably will soon as the work is top notch, but all I'm saying is when you read about all these hiccups it doesn't make for good reading as £30 is a lot for some folk.

In future if I have constructive feedback I shall keep it to myself?

So constructive feedback is allowed but rebuttal is not. Looks a bit one-sided as a debating technique.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:04 #38817
27 posts
" said:
" said:
I post my opinion and yourself Peter and Geoff are on the defensive. I didn't say you should work free to provide me what I want did I Geoff? That surely is impossible to do and even you would admit that. You can't physically provide what everyone wants and certainly not what I want which would be a Yoker Simsig as it is a conflict of interest.

Surely when you decided to this you knew questions were going to be asked?

I want to spend my money and I probably will soon as the work is top notch, but all I'm saying is when you read about all these hiccups it doesn't make for good reading as £30 is a lot for some folk.

In future if I have constructive feedback I shall keep it to myself?


So constructive feedback is allowed but rebuttal is not. Looks a bit one-sided as a debating technique.
If you bothered to read my first post I posted I said that some of the SimSig community are to blame because we took the program as free for granted

Simsig, is great and should be worth paying for, but all I was asking was a bit of clarity. If Peter or Geoff said something along the lines of look so much is going for the website, development and a bit of money for our own pocket fair enough!!!!

Just want a bit of clarity and a think Geoff or Peter could have been a bit more forward saying if you purchase the sims then it will be good for the future of SimSig and that would be great

Thats all

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