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SimSig Scotland

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:06 #38819
6358 posts
" said:
I post my opinion and yourself Peter and Geoff are on the defensive. I didn't say you should work free to provide me what I want did I Geoff? That surely is impossible to do and even you would admit that. You can't physically provide what everyone wants and certainly not what I want which would be a Yoker Simsig as it is a conflict of interest.

Surely when you decided to this you knew questions were going to be asked?
My issue was with the section I quoted - that people are struggling for money, which didn't appear to apply to developers as well as customers - hence very selfish in my opinion. Of course I'm defensive: I want to feed my family as much as the next person.

" said:
I want to spend my money and I probably will soon as the work is top notch, but all I'm saying is when you read about all these hiccups it doesn't make for good reading as £30 is a lot for some folk.
"All these" sounds like a lot. Peter has already addressed that issue. We know it is not a lot of issues.

" said:
In future if I have constructive feedback I shall keep it to myself?

Yes, if it's constructive. Not if it's just complaining. Well, it's an open forum so within reason you can post what you like. But surely you would expect feedback like you have from myself and others?

SimSig Boss
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:09 #38822
6358 posts
" said:
Just want a bit of clarity and a think Geoff or Peter could have been a bit more forward saying if you purchase the sims then it will be good for the future of SimSig and that would be great
Postal has already posted a good analogy. Does it change your decision to pay if 34% goes to X instead of 42%?

SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: george12345
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:13 #38824
27 posts
Thanks Geoff point made
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The following user said thank you: GeoffM
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:18 #38825
5236 posts
I've been out for a walk with the dog which is always good thinking time. Apologies to all if I was a bit OTT earlier. I stand by the points I made, but to paraphrase Eric Morecambe, not necessarily the way I made them.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:20 #38826
Sidestick Priority
39 posts
I suspect that after general running costs are deducted, hardware and software is paid for/written down there is just enough money to take wife and children out to T.G.I Friday one night as a "thank you for keeping up with daddy's hobby all these years". I don't think we'll see pictures of mansions in Chelsea (Malibu) or flash cars paid for by SimSig revenue surfacing on facebook/twitter anytime soon!

If it helps developing SimSig by paying for running costs and aiding as a motivation for the developer to continue producing excellent quality simulators we should support that in the interest of our hobby.

I for one hope we will see many more SimSig simulators to come in the future, no matter if they are licensed or donationware.

With regards to the issues surrounding license/download links etc, maybe Geoff and Peter are victims of their own desire to keep us all continuously informed? They could have stated 4 working days for license and download link to be issued and we would be none the wiser!
For what it's worth, I got mine within 4 hours - pretty good show I'd say.

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SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 21:22 #38827
27 posts
No need to apologize mate. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion mate. One thing we can all agree on is that Simsig is a great program hence why we are all here
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The following user said thank you: postal
SimSig Scotland 06/12/2012 at 23:45 #38839
Peter Bennet
5389 posts
" said:

1 proven bug which I regret.
1 bug I can't reproduce and 1 the author seems to have been unable to reproduce.

A couple of alleged bugs I need to investigate.

Narrowed down to one Overlap bug at Perth and one timetable bug with a train timetabled to do a rather convoluted route. I can only, once again, apologise and fixes will be issued. However, as I indicated elsewhere, a few more days to see if anything else pops up would be wise rather then endless revisions.

If and when anyone gets to the end of a timetable maybe they can let is know how it went.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 08:49 #38841
72 posts
It was about time that Simsig went paid,considering the tremendous effort put in by the developers and testers in getting the sims turned out with the highest level of authenticity and quality.Almost everyone in our community knows to what troubles the developers go to,including sacrificing their work and family commitments.
However,like almost all of us,I was very surprised when I saw the banner on the home page and for a few minutes I thought the site had been hacked or the administrators were playing a prank on us :).

Anyways,now that the message has sunk in,I would like to make a few suggestions:
1)Would it be possible to reduce the price of the whole sim package?While several of us can afford to pay the current price also,it will be needless to say that there are many many more who may not able to afford such a relatively high price(I live in India and though I can afford it,I still find it a little expensive).However,if the price of the whole package was reduced to say pound 20,there will be many more people who will buy the package.That way more people can enjoy the sims,and they will not be a luxury item and the developers will able to still break even at least as they will earn more revenue.A win win situation for all concerned.In the process,selling the individual smaller sims could be dispensed with,as almost everyone will be more interesting in acquiring the whole package,if I know the mentality of the Simsig community :).
Even,if this is not possible for the current suite of sims,I would suggest the developers and administrators may keep this pricing strategy in mind for any future sims which may go paid.
2)Would it be possible to put out a demo version of these sims so that prospective buyers can sample them.I know that this may be difficult due to piracy issues but maybe there is way?


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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 09:15 #38842
3670 posts
" said:
Anyways,now that the message has sunk in,I would like to make a few suggestions:
1)Would it be possible to reduce the price of the whole sim package?While several of us can afford to pay the current price also,it will be needless to say that there are many many more who may not able to afford such a relatively high price(I live in India and though I can afford it,I still find it a little expensive).

just to put perspective on the pricing structure: http://www.pcrail.co.uk/index.php?pts=simulation&code=QS

that is PC rails glasgow Queen street offering. in terms of realism PCrail is miles behind SimSig, but itll cost you £32.50 to operate cowlairs panel 1 and elements of panel 2. Suddenly i dont think £10 for the whole of cowlairs, or indeed £30 for a fair chunk of scotland is such bad value.

my overall point being a Pricing structure will always be relevant to the market. if you go to mcdonalds you pay a fiver for lunch, if you go to a four star restaraunt you pay £50, but you get what you pay for. equally someone could complain said restaraunt was expensive, but it could well be far cheaper than any comparable quality competition actually making it good value.


"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 09:23 #38843
354 posts
I am unemployed currently but when I get a chance I will make another general donation towards future SimSig projects. Maybe people should consider the time and personal effort put in by the devs instead of wondering where the money goes :huh:
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 09:41 #38844
5236 posts
I have learnt over many years of work (both professionally and in charity organisations) that anything which is made available
as free issue eventually becomes abused and taken for granted because there are always a number of people who are greedy, selfish, ignorant or incapable of understanding that what they see as a right brings with it the other half of the equation that there is also a responsiblity. With that in mind, I have no problem with the developers charging for the time and money they have put into the creation of a sim (not counting the cost to family and home life).

However, the current situation has only arisen because we have not collectively supported SimSig financially over the years. I am as guilty as anyone in the respect that I keep on meaning to make a donation and only seem to get round to it when I see Geoff at a meet!

Can I therefore make a suggestion which may help to keep SimSig as we know and love it. I would be very happy to put maybe the price of a pint aside every week for SimSig. While not everyone will be able to do that (or wish to do that), there are probably enough of us who would contribute in that way to take a lot of the strain out of the SimSig finances. The problem is actually remembering and then making the effort to donate. Would it be possible for details to be made available so that people could contribute by something like a Standing Order from the bank? Even at £5 or £10 a month, there might be enough of a take up to make things worthwhile.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 07/12/2012 at 09:43 by postal
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The following users said thank you: TimTamToe, Signalhunter
SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 10:44 #38852
3670 posts
" said:
Can I therefore make a suggestion which may help to keep SimSig as we know and love it. I would be very happy to put maybe the price of a pint aside every week for SimSig.
Certainly worked for the A1 Locomotive group. I like this idea (even a quid a month would do the trick and i'll never notice it has gone out).

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 11:37 #38853
2655 posts
I for one would be happy to go along with Postals suggestion of paying £10 a month towards SimSig. As Joe says you wouldn't really notice it.
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 12:41 #38855
659 posts
" said:

Can I therefore make a suggestion which may help to keep SimSig as we know and love it. I would be very happy to put maybe the price of a pint aside every week for SimSig. While not everyone will be able to do that (or wish to do that), there are probably enough of us who would contribute in that way to take a lot of the strain out of the SimSig finances. The problem is actually remembering and then making the effort to donate. Would it be possible for details to be made available so that people could contribute by something like a Standing Order from the bank? Even at £5 or £10 a month, there might be enough of a take up to make things worthwhile.
It amazes me how Postal seems to again and again come up with such simple but genius ideas!

I myself have not bought the "McSims", purely because being a londoner that far North is hard to comprehend . but seriously it is only because at this time its an area of the country that I'm not so interested in. I know how much time and effort Peter and all the other developers put in and my decision is not based on the fact they are now paid. The quality and pricing of these the SimSig sims in comparison to others on the market is chalk and cheese and not often do you get a superior quality product that is also kind in comaprison on your pocket too.

There are other sims in production that may well also be paid sims and if they are along the same price lines and an area I crave I will very happily delve into the wallet.


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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 13:04 #38859
872 posts

It amazes me how Postal seems to again and again come up with such simple but genius ideas!

Steady on with the praise.....he was out walking the dog last night. He claims it was his idea, but my monies on his dog, which could be a Scottie or even a Highland terrier

Last edited: 07/12/2012 at 13:06 by northroad
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The following user said thank you: Signalhunter
SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 13:20 #38860
Peter Bennet
5389 posts
If the idea is that by making "general" donations that will mean the Sims will always be free, then that actually is not as simple and straight forward as it may appear due to the contractual arrangements SimSig has with the developers. I raise the fact of teh contractual arrangments for info and not as an invitation to discuss in a public forum.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 15:39 #38864
5236 posts
I am now starting to get confused as I think about the whole scope of things. At the moment, I think we have a hybrid system where some developers may want to charge for their sims while others are content with receiving donations. Is it then administratively possible to set up a system whereby those who receive payment for their sims continue to do so while those who are content with donations could receive some sort of share if there was a regular income from people setting up small-scale standing orders. One way to do that might be to share out the pot of donations on a regular basis in proportion to the number of time each freeware sim is downloaded. In the period when a new sim is released, that developer will just about monopolise the pot but in the long term it should bring an equitable sharing out of the receipts.

In honesty, I would have thought that punters offering to pay money over on an unhypothecated donation basis would be something where people might look for solutions rather than problems.

PS My comments, not the Jack Russell's.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: gricehead
SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 21:16 #38876
58 posts
Having purchased the "Scotland" set I'm really enjoying them - I have a quick question - when I travel I use my laptop for SimSig so do I have to Unlicence on my desktop and relicence on my laptop everytime I go away or can the licence be open to two valid registrations as I can't be using both at once - 1 sim at a time is quite hard enough lol



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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 21:20 #38877
Peter Bennet
5389 posts
" said:
Having purchased the "Scotland" set I'm really enjoying them - I have a quick question - when I travel I use my laptop for SimSig so do I have to Unlicence on my desktop and relicence on my laptop everytime I go away or can the licence be open to two valid registrations as I can't be using both at once - 1 sim at a time is quite hard enough lol


You need to de-allocate the license then pick it up again on the alternative machine. There is a page on the WIKI that goes into detail.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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SimSig Scotland 07/12/2012 at 21:41 #38881
27 posts
" said:

You need to de-allocate the license then pick it up again on the alternative machine. There is a page on the WIKI that goes into detail.

That Link didn't work since it was to the tester WIKI. Here is the correct one.

Last edited: 07/12/2012 at 21:42 by wulf
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SimSig Scotland 08/12/2012 at 15:56 #38915
163 posts
i am really glad to hear of these Sims becoming available. the question i have is how can i pay for these when i don't have a debit or credit card to set a Paypal account. i have a bank account and have only a cash card but can do direct debits.
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SimSig Scotland 08/12/2012 at 17:47 #38918
29 posts
can you tell me how to download north east scotland
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SimSig Scotland 08/12/2012 at 19:03 #38928
Peter Bennet
5389 posts
" said:
can you tell me how to download north east scotland
I believe you get a link emailed to you when you pay, if you did not get that email then send a message quoting the order number to the email address scotland@SimSig.co.uk and we can sort it out.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 08/12/2012 at 19:03 by Peter Bennet
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SimSig Scotland 08/12/2012 at 19:49 #38929
6358 posts
" said:
" said:
can you tell me how to download north east scotland
I believe you get a link emailed to you when you pay, if you did not get that email then send a message quoting the order number to the email address scotland@SimSig.co.uk and we can sort it out.

I can see your order - and you have two usernames and two email addresses registered. I'll email you so we can sort it out.

SimSig Boss
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SimSig Scotland 08/12/2012 at 20:41 #38931
29 posts
i had it in my iphone i must have knock it off
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