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New website 05/10/2016 at 15:11 #85622
1095 posts
Peter Bennet in post 85621 said:
It says on my profile for timezone "Current offset from server" 00.00 for London. So I assume the server is set for GMT. I guess if you are that bothered just set your profile for a zone that gives the right answer.

Mines set the same as yours but what i am saying is upcoming games has been showing an hour ahead compared to other parts

Last edited: 05/10/2016 at 15:11 by MarkC
Reason: edit

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New website 05/10/2016 at 15:13 #85623
963 posts
mark265 in post 85622 said:
Peter Bennet in post 85621 said:
It says on my profile for timezone "Current offset from server" 00.00 for London. So I assume the server is set for GMT. I guess if you are that bothered just set your profile for a zone that gives the right answer.

Mines set the same as yours but what i am saying is upcoming games has been showing an hour ahead compared to other parts
My offset is GMT+2 so WinfordSaltMine's host from yesterday shows as starting at 2200 to me and presumably should show 2100 in the UK. The times for latest forum posts show as GMT+2 (eg Peter's test post is at 1653).



Last edited: 05/10/2016 at 15:14 by KymriskaDraken
Reason: add info

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New website 05/10/2016 at 15:28 #85624
387 posts
Peter Bennet in post 85621 said:
I guess if you are that bothered just set your profile for a zone that gives the right answer.

Rather a cavalier attitude to a legitimate problem.

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New website 05/10/2016 at 17:14 #85628
4869 posts
mark265 in post 85599 said:
There's a descrepancy between the times show here on site, forum times and PM times are showing correctly, but the upcoming games are for some reason showing (to me at least) 1hr ahead. I can post inforums and it shows that correct time (according to my timezone setting's)

I partook in winsfords BNS, Derby and salt session, the start time was for 20:00BST but it was showing 21:00.

I posted this message at 2255BST (give or take a few mins)
I've just posted a game "This is a test" up for 19:00:00 BST (Or 18:00:00 Zulu), and it is correctly showing for me as 19:00:00 BST.

I posted a forum post at 18:09 BST (Or 17:09 Zulu) and this displayed correctly as 18:09, so I can't reproduce an issue with the game times being an hour offset, perhaps WinsfordSaltMine had simply inputted the wrong time?

Dick in post 85624 said:
Peter Bennet in post 85621 said:
I guess if you are that bothered just set your profile for a zone that gives the right answer.

Rather a cavalier attitude to a legitimate problem.
As you can see from above I don't think there is a problem, but reading through the previous postings people seem to be confused as to how the timezone setting works. The website will show times in the time zone your forum profile is set to, in my case this is "Europe/London" which will automatically correct for Daylight Saving Time.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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New website 05/10/2016 at 17:46 #85629
1095 posts
headshot119 in post 85628 said:
mark265 in post 85599 said:
There's a descrepancy between the times show here on site, forum times and PM times are showing correctly, but the upcoming games are for some reason showing (to me at least) 1hr ahead. I can post inforums and it shows that correct time (according to my timezone setting's)

I partook in winsfords BNS, Derby and salt session, the start time was for 20:00BST but it was showing 21:00.

I posted this message at 2255BST (give or take a few mins)
I've just posted a game "This is a test" up for 19:00:00 BST (Or 18:00:00 Zulu), and it is correctly showing for me as 19:00:00 BST.

I posted a forum post at 18:09 BST (Or 17:09 Zulu) and this displayed correctly as 18:09, so I can't reproduce an issue with the game times being an hour offset, perhaps WinsfordSaltMine had simply inputted the wrong time?

Dick in post 85624 said:
Peter Bennet in post 85621 said:
I guess if you are that bothered just set your profile for a zone that gives the right answer.

Rather a cavalier attitude to a legitimate problem.
As you can see from above I don't think there is a problem, but reading through the previous postings people seem to be confused as to how the timezone setting works. The website will show times in the time zone your forum profile is set to, in my case this is "Europe/London" which will automatically correct for Daylight Saving Time.
The one you have put up is showing correctly, so I am now even more confused, as even at that time all posts in the forums were/are showing the correct times for my time settings.

It was not just WinsfordSaltMine's that made me post this tho, after another user started a game at 2230 but it was showing to me 2330, thats why I belived there was something wrong.

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New website 05/10/2016 at 18:42 #85631
963 posts
headshot119 in post 85628 said:

I've just posted a game "This is a test" up for 19:00:00 BST (Or 18:00:00 Zulu), and it is correctly showing for me as 19:00:00 BST.

Showing correctly for me at 2000 (CEST).


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New website 05/10/2016 at 19:05 #85633
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
headshot119 in post 85628 said:

in my case this is "Europe/London" which will automatically correct for Daylight Saving Time.
How do you get your's to add the hour?
Mine says: Europe/London (current offset from server time: 00:00:00)


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New website 05/10/2016 at 19:10 #85634
4869 posts
Peter Bennet in post 85633 said:

How do you get your's to add the hour?
Mine says: Europe/London (current offset from server time: 00:00:00)

I didn't! It's just done that since the new website launched so I assumed it had automatic DST correction in built. Try changing your profile to a completely new timezone and back again and see if it corrects then.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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New website 05/10/2016 at 19:34 #85635
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Some quite bizarre results!

Europe/Athens (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)
Europe/Amsterdam (current offset from server time: 03:00:00)
Europe/Copenhagen (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)
Europe/Istanbul (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)
Europe/Lisbon (current offset from server time: 03:00:00)
Europe/Moscow (current offset from server time: 01:00:00)
Africa/Johannesburg (current offset from server time: 04:00:00)

and going back to London

Europe/London (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)

Hey-ho, never mind.

I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New website 05/10/2016 at 19:48 #85637
1095 posts
Peter Bennet in post 85635 said:
Some quite bizarre results!

Europe/Athens (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)
Europe/Amsterdam (current offset from server time: 03:00:00)
Europe/Copenhagen (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)
Europe/Istanbul (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)
Europe/Lisbon (current offset from server time: 03:00:00)
Europe/Moscow (current offset from server time: 01:00:00)
Africa/Johannesburg (current offset from server time: 04:00:00)

and going back to London

Europe/London (current offset from server time: 02:00:00)

Hey-ho, never mind.
I was just having a look at some of the strange results you got,

and now for uk I get the following

Europe/London (current offset from server time: -04:00:00) or
Europe/London (current offset from server time: -05:00:00)

where as before I had Europe/London (current offset from server time: +01:00:00) and I cannot get it back

Added Info

Finnally got it back, with a lot of chopping and changes of timezones, although of interest according to timezone settings here NY is only an hour ahead

Last edited: 05/10/2016 at 19:57 by MarkC
Reason: Added info

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New website 05/10/2016 at 21:01 #85640
2158 posts
Interesting! Times in this Forum show Latest posts done today as occurring on my computer as 06/10/2016?


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Last edited: 05/10/2016 at 21:05 by BarryM
Reason: Add

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New website 05/10/2016 at 21:16 #85641
4869 posts
BarryM in post 85640 said:
Interesting! Times in this Forum show Latest posts done today as occurring on my computer as 06/10/2016?

Well yes of course they will! As you are 12 hours ahead of the BST!! (Or around that anyway)

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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New website 05/10/2016 at 21:20 #85642
1095 posts
Just got to thinking, I think that my original post about time discrepancy was correct but not for the reasons I thought it seems that some users who have london set as a timezone have an offset of zero hours setting their default time to GMT and others like myself to GMT +1 making it British summer time, so someone with no offset could put in say 2000 but me with the offset for BST is shown as a different time.
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New website 05/10/2016 at 21:25 #85643
4869 posts
mark265 in post 85642 said:
Just got to thinking, I think that my original post about time discrepancy was correct but not for the reasons I thought it seems that some users who have london set as a timezone have an offset of zero hours setting their default time to GMT and others like myself to GMT +1 making it British summer time, so someone with no offset could put in say 2000 but me with the offset for BST is shown as a different time.
Well no, that's completely different to what was said up thread which was "The forum posts are correct, but the games aren't"

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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New website 05/10/2016 at 22:05 #85644
1095 posts
headshot119 in post 85643 said:
mark265 in post 85642 said:
Just got to thinking, I think that my original post about time discrepancy was correct but not for the reasons I thought it seems that some users who have london set as a timezone have an offset of zero hours setting their default time to GMT and others like myself to GMT +1 making it British summer time, so someone with no offset could put in say 2000 but me with the offset for BST is shown as a different time.
Well no, that's completely different to what was said up thread which was "The forum posts are correct, but the games aren't"
I still think I may be correct, take you test game post, if (its not but for this example) your offset for daylight savings was off/incorrect, and it was at +0 and you think it is correct and you put in 1900 with the zero off set that would be GMT, but it would display to me as 2000, with my offset of +1 for british summer time, and the forums would display correctly, as when a post is saved it is saved with the system default timestamp adjusted to a users timezone.

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New website 06/10/2016 at 08:14 #85645
1719 posts
Jan in post 85617 said:
kbarber in post 85574 said:
Interesting bit of behaviour, absolutely consistent over a significant period (I assume it's been happening since the new site went live but it took me a while to notice). Whenever I've read the forum I log out before leaving the site (and I wait until shown as such). But when I return to the Simsig site, I'm shown as logged in!

Have you tried clearing cookies for SimSig.co.uk? I remember that after Geoff had declared this issue as fixed, I had to manually clear my browser's cookies once in order for logging out to actually start working.
Interestingly, the next time I logged in after posting, I had to log in properly. So I'm taking it either Geoff quietly sorted something easy or the cookie somehow got itself deleted - though I don't know how! If the former, I imagined Geoff would know all was now well.

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New website 06/10/2016 at 18:55 #86651
6326 posts
kbarber in post 85645 said:
Jan in post 85617 said:
kbarber in post 85574 said:
Interesting bit of behaviour, absolutely consistent over a significant period (I assume it's been happening since the new site went live but it took me a while to notice). Whenever I've read the forum I log out before leaving the site (and I wait until shown as such). But when I return to the Simsig site, I'm shown as logged in!

Have you tried clearing cookies for SimSig.co.uk? I remember that after Geoff had declared this issue as fixed, I had to manually clear my browser's cookies once in order for logging out to actually start working.
Interestingly, the next time I logged in after posting, I had to log in properly. So I'm taking it either Geoff quietly sorted something easy or the cookie somehow got itself deleted - though I don't know how! If the former, I imagined Geoff would know all was now well.
I haven't touched that bit for a while but I have occasionally seen issues. Unable to reproduce on demand, of course.

What browser are you using?

SimSig Boss
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New website 06/10/2016 at 20:19 #86653
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Seems logging out and back in has stabilised the zone for me.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New website 07/10/2016 at 00:16 #86654
2158 posts
headshot119 in post 85641 said:
BarryM in post 85640 said:
Interesting! Times in this Forum show Latest posts done today as occurring on my computer as 06/10/2016?

Well yes of course they will! As you are 12 hours ahead of the BST!! (Or around that anyway)
10 hours! But the posts did normally show "Yesterday" or "Today"


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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New website 07/10/2016 at 07:36 #86655
387 posts
Yes, I know this is an international site, but wouldn't it just be simpler if the server and all posts were stamped to UTC. At least everybody would see a consistent picture.
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The following user said thank you: postal
New website 07/10/2016 at 08:16 #86656
1719 posts
GeoffM in post 86651 said:
kbarber in post 85645 said:
Jan in post 85617 said:
kbarber in post 85574 said:
Interesting bit of behaviour, absolutely consistent over a significant period (I assume it's been happening since the new site went live but it took me a while to notice). Whenever I've read the forum I log out before leaving the site (and I wait until shown as such). But when I return to the Simsig site, I'm shown as logged in!

Have you tried clearing cookies for SimSig.co.uk? I remember that after Geoff had declared this issue as fixed, I had to manually clear my browser's cookies once in order for logging out to actually start working.
Interestingly, the next time I logged in after posting, I had to log in properly. So I'm taking it either Geoff quietly sorted something easy or the cookie somehow got itself deleted - though I don't know how! If the former, I imagined Geoff would know all was now well.
I haven't touched that bit for a while but I have occasionally seen issues. Unable to reproduce on demand, of course.

What browser are you using?
Very peculiar. Using Firefox (not sure how to find version etc number) on a Win7 platform.

Probably counts as another example of me & my big mouth... unusual for it to do anything useful though :-)

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New website 07/10/2016 at 12:45 #86662
5208 posts
kbarber in post 86656 said:
Using Firefox (not sure how to find version etc number) on a Win7 platform.
Firefox > Help > About Firefox.

Version number shows in the first line of text below the Firefox branding.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 07/10/2016 at 12:46 by postal
Reason: more information

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New website 07/10/2016 at 12:47 #86663
5208 posts
When I edit a post I have previously made and click Submit Post I am taken to the first post in the topic rather than back to the post I have just edited.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New website 07/10/2016 at 18:20 #86667
1095 posts
I am guessing this would be low on the thing's to do, but would it be possible to swap the forum and shoutbox, it was nice on the old site having the shoutbox near the top instead of where it is now halfway down the page.
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New website 10/10/2016 at 08:22 #86694
5208 posts
Previously when reading PMs clicking on Reply brought up the text of the original PM with the ability to make a response above the original text. Now clicking on Reply opens a blank window. Can the carry-over of the original text be revived, please?
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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