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New website 14/11/2016 at 19:22 #88340
5208 posts
GeoffM in post 87347 said:
Splodge in post 87346 said:
postal in post 87341 said:
Although it has been fixed in the past, I think a previous problem has recurred. When I am logged in and click on a topic which has "New" postings it seems to be random whether I am taken to the new posting or just to the top of the first page of the topic.

Anyone else seeing that?
Yes, started this weekend.
There have been no changes to the forum software this weekend. If your browser doesn't scroll to the correct topic, please copy the URL from the address bar and what you clicked on to get the link (eg the topic title in the common left bar latest posts, or the Latest Post link in the latest posts page). Thanks.

The correct topic is opening. However, the view is not always defaulting to the latest posting when the topic is marked as having new postings. Instead you sometimes get taken to the original posting in the topic.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New website 14/11/2016 at 19:36 #88342
6326 posts
postal in post 88340 said:
GeoffM in post 87347 said:
Splodge in post 87346 said:
postal in post 87341 said:
Although it has been fixed in the past, I think a previous problem has recurred. When I am logged in and click on a topic which has "New" postings it seems to be random whether I am taken to the new posting or just to the top of the first page of the topic.

Anyone else seeing that?
Yes, started this weekend.
There have been no changes to the forum software this weekend. If your browser doesn't scroll to the correct topic, please copy the URL from the address bar and what you clicked on to get the link (eg the topic title in the common left bar latest posts, or the Latest Post link in the latest posts page). Thanks.

The correct topic is opening. However, the view is not always defaulting to the latest posting when the topic is marked as having new postings. Instead you sometimes get taken to the original posting in the topic.
I, of course, meant post - not topic. Edited accordingly.

SimSig Boss
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New website 14/11/2016 at 23:55 #88349
5208 posts
Problem with Alternatives Rule a... (https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/42020?postId=-1) has "New" icon attached in left hand side bar. Clicked on topic in side bar and was taken to https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/42020 at the very top of the topic rather than any new postings.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New website 15/11/2016 at 05:28 #88355
6326 posts
postal in post 88349 said:
Problem with Alternatives Rule a... (https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/42020?postId=-1) has "New" icon attached in left hand side bar. Clicked on topic in side bar and was taken to https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/ThreadView/42020 at the very top of the topic rather than any new postings.
Being taken to new postings was never claimed to be completed. A post ID of -1 indicates the last post which (once fixing brackets) does, for me at least, take me to the last post still.

On a separate note I think I have finished the bulk of unrelated work that was suddenly thrust upon me (with open arms), along with a holiday (not thrust but gladly taken), so hopefully later this week I can get back to SimSig more.

SimSig Boss
Last edited: 15/11/2016 at 05:31 by GeoffM
Reason: Work

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New website 15/11/2016 at 15:27 #88358
45 posts
Geoff (and Barry)

I reported the "big white space" problem weeks ago when folks were discussing the appearance of the site on mobile devices, but no-one picked up on it. As Barry says, it is not just confined to the home page. On my desktop machine I'm writing this reply in a box that is below the left-hand sidebar and which has a huge amount of empty space above it at the right. The problem arises on some pages if the window is less than 1200 pixels wide. Instead of collapsing nicely, the right-hand main panel drops below the left-hand one. If you decrease the width yet further the dropped right-hand panel loses the "Welcome to SimSig" rotating banner and continues to shrink "normally" - just in the wrong place! So far as I can tell, Chrome and Edge behave identically. I'm pretty certain that this will turn out to be another css problem but my expertise in that area is not good enough to pinpoint where, I'm afraid.


Last edited: 15/11/2016 at 15:30 by Richard42
Reason: Minor clarification

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New website 15/11/2016 at 16:04 #88360
6326 posts
Richard42 in post 88358 said:
Geoff (and Barry)

I reported the "big white space" problem weeks ago when folks were discussing the appearance of the site on mobile devices, but no-one picked up on it. As Barry says, it is not just confined to the home page. On my desktop machine I'm writing this reply in a box that is below the left-hand sidebar and which has a huge amount of empty space above it at the right. The problem arises on some pages if the window is less than 1200 pixels wide. Instead of collapsing nicely, the right-hand main panel drops below the left-hand one. If you decrease the width yet further the dropped right-hand panel loses the "Welcome to SimSig" rotating banner and continues to shrink "normally" - just in the wrong place! So far as I can tell, Chrome and Edge behave identically. I'm pretty certain that this will turn out to be another css problem but my expertise in that area is not good enough to pinpoint where, I'm afraid.

Thanks for this. Can you post a screenshot please?

SimSig Boss
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New website 15/11/2016 at 16:47 #88361
4869 posts
Richard42 in post 88358 said:
Geoff (and Barry)

I reported the "big white space" problem weeks ago when folks were discussing the appearance of the site on mobile devices, but no-one picked up on it. As Barry says, it is not just confined to the home page. On my desktop machine I'm writing this reply in a box that is below the left-hand sidebar and which has a huge amount of empty space above it at the right. The problem arises on some pages if the window is less than 1200 pixels wide. Instead of collapsing nicely, the right-hand main panel drops below the left-hand one. If you decrease the width yet further the dropped right-hand panel loses the "Welcome to SimSig" rotating banner and continues to shrink "normally" - just in the wrong place! So far as I can tell, Chrome and Edge behave identically. I'm pretty certain that this will turn out to be another css problem but my expertise in that area is not good enough to pinpoint where, I'm afraid.

What Operating System are you using?

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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New website 15/11/2016 at 23:57 #88368
5208 posts
Having had a play at clicking on the various links, I think that accessing the topic from the left-hand sidebar takes you to the latest posting (whether new since the last time you accessed the topic or not). Clicking on the topic in the list of latest posts in the main body of https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/LatestPosts takes you to posting #1 whether the "New" icon is displayed or not.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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New website 16/11/2016 at 02:01 #88369
6326 posts
postal in post 88368 said:
Having had a play at clicking on the various links, I think that accessing the topic from the left-hand sidebar takes you to the latest posting (whether new since the last time you accessed the topic or not). Clicking on the topic in the list of latest posts in the main body of https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/LatestPosts takes you to posting #1 whether the "New" icon is displayed or not.
I believe that clicking the post title in most forum software takes you to the first post. The page you mention has a link called "Latest post" which would take you to the last post. The sidebar is a little different as it's meant to be as terse as possible to save space.

SimSig Boss
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New website 16/11/2016 at 09:13 #88371
45 posts
Operating system is Windows 10 Pro (v1607).
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New website 16/11/2016 at 09:26 #88372
5208 posts
GeoffM in post 88369 said:
The page you mention has a link called "Latest post" which would take you to the last post.
Thanks. Never noticed that before - perhaps the facility could do with a bit of publicity!

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 16/11/2016 at 09:26 by postal
Reason: edit

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New website 16/11/2016 at 17:54 #88381
1095 posts
postal in post 88372 said:
GeoffM in post 88369 said:
The page you mention has a link called "Latest post" which would take you to the last post.
Thanks. Never noticed that before - perhaps the facility could do with a bit of publicity!
The old site had the same facility, but the old site also had one feature not here, that when you click on 'x NEW' [just 'NEW' on new site] (x= any number from 1 up) it took you to the 1st new post from when you looked at a forum topic or been on site.

for example on old site if this topic when signed off had 100 posts, and when I signed in agin it had 107 posts, it would didplay '7 new' it would of taken me to post 101 (the first new post in the forum topic). That has not transfered to this new site, which is a shame, (I am not being critical as I appericiate all the hard work gone into this new site)

Last edited: 16/11/2016 at 17:55 by MarkC
Reason: edit

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The following users said thank you: postal, kbarber
New website 16/11/2016 at 18:26 #88382
6326 posts
mark265 in post 88381 said:
postal in post 88372 said:
GeoffM in post 88369 said:
The page you mention has a link called "Latest post" which would take you to the last post.
Thanks. Never noticed that before - perhaps the facility could do with a bit of publicity!
The old site had the same facility, but the old site also had one feature not here, that when you click on 'x NEW' [just 'NEW' on new site] (x= any number from 1 up) it took you to the 1st new post from when you looked at a forum topic or been on site.

for example on old site if this topic when signed off had 100 posts, and when I signed in agin it had 107 posts, it would didplay '7 new' it would of taken me to post 101 (the first new post in the forum topic). That has not transfered to this new site, which is a shame, (I am not being critical as I appericiate all the hard work gone into this new site)
[Postal] The "Latest post" link was taken directly from the old site. Just goes to show how people use sites differently.

[Mark] I'll see what I can do. Similar to above, I didn't know the old site did that!

SimSig Boss
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New website 16/11/2016 at 19:25 #88384
5208 posts
I'd never noticed the latest posting link as I used to do the same as Mark265 and get taken to the first unread post! If that can be revived it would be very handy.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: kbarber
New website 17/11/2016 at 01:46 #88389
2158 posts
404 Error as a result of clicking on a search topic answer.

"404You are here: Home > 404 Error
Looks like we've hit the buffer stops. We've logged the request for investigation. In the meantime, why not head back to our homepage?

URL requested: /DataNotFound/Error
Referring URL: https://www.SimSig.co.uk/Forum/Search?UsernameString=&TitleString=&BodyString=messages+window"


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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New website 12/12/2016 at 00:41 #89844
2158 posts
BarryM in post 85445 said:
It is working now. Many thanks for your replies.

Following recent changes, the keyboard's Backspace does not work in Google Chrome.

Oops! Google Chrome fixed the problem. Now working!

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Last edited: 12/12/2016 at 01:00 by BarryM
Reason: Oops

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New website 14/12/2016 at 09:06 #90870
45 posts

Apologies for the delay - it was only upon reading the latest post on this thread and reading back a bit that I realised you'd asked for screenshots of the "big white space" problem.

Please find two screenshots attached - the homepage and the reply-to-posting page.


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New website 14/12/2016 at 16:11 #90875
6326 posts
Ah yes, I see. Thanks.
SimSig Boss
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New website 14/12/2016 at 16:29 #90877
1095 posts
I have no issues in relation to the display on my laptop.

I am thinking that it maybe the type of device is is being used on, tablet or smartphone which each have limited display area.

Further Info

I have been able to replicate this, by reducing my screen resolution to 1024x768
It maybe that any screen that has its resolution set to 1024x768 or below results in the large white space. (1024x768 is the first lowest one on my screen that result in the large white space there maybe others above but my graphics doesn't display any above 1024x768 and below 1280x600

Last edited: 14/12/2016 at 17:16 by MarkC
Reason: Edited

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New website 14/12/2016 at 18:06 #90879
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Possibly similar issue as I reported as #16243. I found that if I dragged in the side of the window the content disappeared between 3/4 and 1/2 width.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New website 15/12/2016 at 10:44 #90890
2158 posts
An IE11 issue?


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Last edited: 15/12/2016 at 10:45 by BarryM
Reason: .

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New website 15/12/2016 at 12:59 #90896
45 posts
Barry, Mark, Geoff

I don't think it's a browser issue (I've tried it in Chrome and Edge with identical results), I think it is purely related to the window width and the way the css parameters deal with that in terms of collapsing the display. As I noted earlier, the messy collapse starts as the window goes below 1200px wide.

Last edited: 15/12/2016 at 13:01 by Richard42
Reason: Additional info.

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New website 15/12/2016 at 21:58 #90920
2158 posts
Richard42 in post 90896 said:
Barry, Mark, Geoff

I don't think it's a browser issue (I've tried it in Chrome and Edge with identical results), I think it is purely related to the window width and the way the css parameters deal with that in terms of collapsing the display. As I noted earlier, the messy collapse starts as the window goes below 1200px wide.
I do have the problem with IE11, but not with Google Chrome or Edge. Possibly due to my 27" screen size?


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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New website 15/12/2016 at 21:59 #90921
2158 posts
Richard42 in post 90896 said:
Barry, Mark, Geoff

I don't think it's a browser issue (I've tried it in Chrome and Edge with identical results), I think it is purely related to the window width and the way the css parameters deal with that in terms of collapsing the display. As I noted earlier, the messy collapse starts as the window goes below 1200px wide.
I do have the problem with IE11, but not with Google Chrome or Edge. Possibly due to my 27" screen size?


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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New website 16/12/2016 at 00:45 #90934
6326 posts
I think I have fixed the log out button not entirely logging out on some browsers.
SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: BarryM